Texas Racing Commission
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Texas Racing Commission


Eligibility for Online Business License Renewals

Can I Renew Online?
The Racing Commission has three business license types - vendor, kennel, and multiple owner. All of these license types are eligible for renewal online.

Be aware that when your online renewal application is processed, your new ending date will be the last day of the month, twelve (12) months from the date your renewal is processed. As an example, if your current expiration date is 11/30/2004, renewing your license in August of 2004 will result in a new expiration date of August 31, 2005, not November 30, 2005.

A vendor license is for a business that sells goods or services at a racetrack. The owner or designated representative of the business must also be individually licensed by the Commission.

In addition to submitting the renewal application online, the applicant must print out the online addendum form, complete Sections 1 through 4, and have a designated representative of the racetrack sign Section 6.

A kennel license is for a business that operates a kennel of greyhounds at one of the greyhound racetracks. The owner of the kennel must also be individually licensed by the Commission.

In addition to submitting the renewal application online, the applicant must print out the online addendum form, complete Sections 1 through 4, and have a designated representative of the racetrack sign Section 6.

Multiple Owner
A multiple owner registration is for a business, such as a partnership or corporation, that owns a race animal. Each of the individuals who own a part of the business must also be individually licensed by the Commission.

A multiple owner registration may be renewed for 1, 2, or 3 years. If you want to renew your multiple owner registration for more than one year, the license number you enter should be the license number, followed by a "dash" and the number of years you wish to renew. For example, if your license number is 1798, and you want to renew your license for 2 years, you would enter "1798-2" in the license number field. If you are renewing for only one year, just enter the license number alone.

You may not renew an existing multiple owner license such as a stable name, partnership or corporation if any of the following has changed since the license was obtained or last renewed: the name of the business, the owners in the business, or the owners listed on the animal's papers. If any of these changes have occurred, you must submit a new multiple owner application.

If the ownership percentages have changed within the business entity but all the owners are the same, you may renew the multiple owner license.

Do not attempt to renew your 'base' license number more than once. If you submit a renewal application for '1798-3' and then again for '1798', your license will not be renewed for four years. We will process the three-year renewal application (1798-3) and you will forfeit the cost of the one-year (1798) license fee.


Some business licensees may not be eligible to submit a renewal application online due to regulatory issues with the Commission. You are not eligible to apply online to renew your business license if any of the following applies:

  • Any individual who owns a part of the business is not currently individually licensed by the Commission.
  • The business or any owner of the business has any outstanding fines or returned checks.
  • The business or any owner of the business has an outstanding ruling that makes the business or owner ineligible to participate in racing (i.e. license is suspended).
  • The business or any owner of the business has been flagged by the Commission to see a steward, judge, or investigator. This is usually because the stewards, judges, or investigators have some questions or information for the person.
  • The business or any owner of the business has not participated in racing in Texas in the last three years.
  • The business or any owner of the business has a foreign address. At this time, the Texas Online portal cannot process applications with foreign addresses. Texas Online is working to address this issue and we hope to offer this in the future.

If you are not sure whether you are eligible to apply online to renew your business license, contact a the Commission's main office in Austin.

How Do I Renew Online?
Applying to renew a business license is quick and easy. The process will go smoothly if you carefully read all instructions before entering any data. To begin the application process, you must have your business license number. If you don't know your license number, contact a Racing Commission office.

For vendor and kennel licenses, the renewal process will require you to submit an addendum form. Click here to view and print a copy of the online addendum form.

More Questions?
See our Licensing FAQ's.

Note - The Online Application process will be unavailable from 8/1/09 to approximately 8/24/09. To begin the online renewal process for a BUSINESS, click here.


Page updated: 7/31/09
