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HUB, Procurement and Contract Information & Opportunities

Contacts HUB Program Points of Contact
News Current Procurement Opportunities at the RRC
HUB - Historically Underutilized Business Program HUB Mission Statement, What is HUB? HUB Certification, Mentor-Protege Program, HUB Subcontracting Plan, Economic Opportunity Forums
RRC HUB Goals & Accomplishments Commissioner Michael Williams - RRC Breaks Diversity Records
General Procurement Information How to do business with the RRC, types of purchases, vendor selection, and contact information
HUB Reports Statewide HUB Reports
Additional HUB Opportunities Links to energy and environmental-related companies and associations
HUB FAQs Frequently Asked Questions about the HUB program
Related HUB Links Texas Marketplace, TBPC, CMBL, HUB Directory, CISV