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Texas State Library Home Page Resources for Librarians

The Texas Public Library Standards are intended as a guide in regards to levels of service for public
libraries in Texas. They are not the minimum criteria for accreditation.

Please review the minimum criteria for accreditation here: MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR
ACCREDITATION OF PUBLIC LIBRARIES IN THE STATE LIBRARY SYSTEM (http://www.tsl.state.tx.us/ld/pubs/libsysact/lsarules.html#minstd)


Texas State Library Logo

Table of Contents

Members | Foreword | Introduction
Administration | Collection | Facility | Finance | Marketing | Personnel | Technology

Appendix A | Appendix B | Appendix C

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(requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)


Prepared by:
Texas State Library and Archives Commission
Texas Library Association
Joint Task Force on Public Library Standards and Accreditation

Prepared for:
Texas State Library and Archives Commission
Texas Library Association

Adopted by the Texas Library Association Council
July 13, 2004

Accepted by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission
August 2, 2004

Texas Library Association
3355 Bee Cave Road, Suite 401 Austin, TX 78746
(512) 328-1518 (800) 580-2852
Fax: (512) 328-8852

Texas State Library and Archives Commission
Box 12927, Austin, TX 78711
(512) 463-5460

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