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Wildlife Research

The Wildlife Division's primary objectives for conducting research are to seek answers for important management questions based on scientific knowledge, and inform the public through publications and other venues. At the same time, we want to provide research opportunities for our staff for professional development. The Wildlife Division has identified major areas of wildlife research by topic. Although this list lacks specifics and is not prioritized, it identifies what we believe are important areas of emphasis for research consideration. Over time and as conditions change, this list will change. Research proposals on these topics are encouraged from university personnel and other qualified researchers.

Project Criteria

These are scientific research grants, and should concern a species, or suite of species, according to Wildlife Division Priorities. Projects must specifically benefit conservation and management of taxa occurring in Texas. Game and non-game proposals are welcomed, as well as habitat-related projects. Highest priority for funding will be given those proposals which have a management application and address needs or objectives described in the Department's Land and Water Conservation Plan or Wildlife Action Plan.

Review Process

A TPWD internal multi-disciplinary committee reviews proposals which are then compared with Wildlife Division priorities and ranked. In June, TPWD begins to prepare contracts with universities that are designed to begin September 1, the beginning of TPWD's fiscal year. However, because the department's exact budget is not known until August/September all contracts developed will be contingent upon available funding. Although it occurs infrequently, there have been times when, due to budget cuts, projects that had a contract developed did not receive final funding.

Funding Process

Once approval has been granted, TPWD assigns a contract representative to monitor the contract and work with the awardee to implement and complete the project. Funding cannot occur prior to the date of the last signature on the interagency contracts, nor prior to the beginning of the state fiscal year (1 Sept.).

Exact details of the grant are fully described in the state contract and all contracts should be read closely. TPWD expressly writes in the contract that at least one co-author must be a TPWD employee. Failure to abide by this requirement may negate your ability to obtain funding in the future. The amount of funding available for individual projects varies annually depending upon license sales and the department's budget. Past awards have averaged about $40,000 annually across all funding sources with a range from $5,000 - $100,000. Most projects are 1-4 years in length. Please note that some funds have a non-federal matching requirement. Any matching amount to help defray the total cost of the proposal will assist you in obtaining funding.

TPWD internally processes the above award notification, and works individually with awardees and their agency/institutions to generate and execute interagency contracts.