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E-mail Addresses
Under most circumstances, individual e-mail addresses are protected by the Texas Public Information Act. Sharing this information for purposes of processing your information does not waive these confidentiality protections. However, you may affirmatively consent to release of your e-mail address in response to a public information request or inquiry. If you would like more information about the public or confidential nature of information maintained by TDI, please consult our Open Records Policy and our Web Site Privacy Policy. This form is encrypted to meet privacy requirements.

Access and Correction of Personal Information
With few exceptions, you are entitled to be informed about the information that the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) collects about you. Under sections 552.021 and 552.023 of the Texas Government Code, you have a right to review or receive copies of information about yourself, including private information. However, TDI may withhold information for reasons other than to protect your right to privacy. Under section 559.004 of the Texas Government Code, you are entitled to request that TDI correct information that TDI has about you that is incorrect. For more information about the procedure and costs for obtaining information from TDI or about the procedure for correcting information kept by TDI, please email the of TDI´s Legal Services Division or review TDI´s Corrections Procedures.

Holding Company Survey

In an effort to improve our customer services please complete the following information:

1.) Please Enter the Company Name:

2.) Please Enter the Company's Contact Email Address:

3.) TDI may release the Company's Contact Email Address in response to a public request: Agree
Do not Agree

4.) Please enter the HCS Number(s) (if known): e.g. 25863, 39214

5.) Please Enter the name of the TDI Financial Analyst (If known):

6.) Did you receive a response in a timely manner? Yes

7.) Were you required to submit any additional information in order to complete your Company's filings? Yes

8.) If # 7 is Yes, please state how much additional information:

9.) How was your overall experience with the service provided? Excellent
Needs Improvement

10.) If #9 was Needs Improvement; Please provide comments:

11.) Did you have any concerns regarding your Company's filing? Yes

12.) If # 11 is Yes; How were your concerns addressed? Excellent
Needs Improvement

13.) If #12 was Needs Improvement; Please provide comments:

14.) Would you be willing to file your transactions electronically? Yes

15.) Are you aware that Form B documents can be filed electronically? Yes

16.) Would you be willing to make fee payments online? Yes

17.) How would you rate your TDI representative? Excellent
Needs Improvement

18.) If # 17 was Needs Improvement; Please provide comments:

19.) How many transactions does your Company submit in one year? 1
2 => 4
Over 5

20.) Did you find the electronic forms and instructions adequate for your filing? Yes

21.) What suggestions would you make for improvements in processing future filings?

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For further information contact: