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Water Quality Permits and Registrations

Permits, registrations, and certifications for wastewater, storm water, sewage sludge, and other discharge or use. Includes TPDES requirements. Pending and current permits.

Featured Items:
Delinquent Fees and Penalties Will Affect Processing Applications
Effective Sept. 1, 2006, the TCEQ will no longer issue, amend, or renew permits, registrations, certifications, or licenses to an entity or person who is delinquent on penalties or fees.
Water Quality Advisory Work Group
Meeting schedule, agendas, summaries of past meetings, and related information for this open-participation group that meets several times a year to offer input on the development and implementation of water quality rules.
Related Categories:
Sewage Sludge Permits, Registrations, and Authorizations
Requirements for the application, disposal, or processing of sewage sludge and water treatment plant sludge.
Status of Storm Water and Wastewater Applications and Specifications
Track the status of applications for general permits, applications for individual permits, and approval of wastewater system design plans and specifications.
Storm Water Permits
Requirements related to water quality in runoff from construction sites, industrial facilities, and developed areas.
Water Quality General Permits
Permits for the discharge of process water, storm water, or both from specific categories of facilities. If the facility qualifies, obtaining coverage under a general permit might be faster than obtaining an individual permit.
Water Quality Permits for Agriculture
Permits and other authorizations required for animal feeding operations, concentrated animal feeding operations, and other agricultural operations.
Water Quality Permits for Cities and Other Developed Areas
Permits, registrations, and authorizations related to domestic wastewater treatment and discharge. Permits for storm water regulations that address drainage from urbanized areas (municipal separate storm sewer systems, or MS4s).
Water Quality Permits for Industrial Facilities
Permits required for the treatment and discharge of process water and storm water from industrial facilities.
Topics Under This Category:
1997 Texas Surface Water Quality Standards
Documents for the 1997 Texas Surface Water Quality Standards, background information on the 1997 standards, and information on the portions still in effect because EPA has not completed review of the 2000 standards.
401 Certification Reviews
The TCEQ conducts Section 401 certification reviews of projects requiring a Section 404 permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the U.S., including wetlands.
An Introduction to the Texas Surface Water Quality Standards
A summary which includes the federal and state regulatory authority that allows the state to write the standards, a summary of the different sections of the rule, and how water bodies are divided throughout the state.
Edwards Aquifer Protection Program
General information, together with map resources and information about public hearings, related to the TCEQ's Edwards Aquifer Protection Program.
Future Revisions of the Texas Surface Water Quality Standards
The TCEQ has begun internal preparations for the next revision of the Texas Surface Water Quality Standards including criteria development for nutrients, toxics, and bacteria.
Implementing the Water Quality Standards in Permitting
Implementation procedures describe how the standards are applied to permits.
Nutrient Criteria Development
Explanation and definition of nutrient criteria development process.
Revising the Texas Surface Water Quality Standards
Summary of how the standards are revised and which versions of the standards are in effect for which programs.
Water Quality Permit Maintenance Forms
Useful forms to make changes to your water quality permit or registration.
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