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STAP Vendor Frequently Asked Questions

1) How do I become a registered vendor for the Specialized Telecommunications Assistance Program (STAP)?

The Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC) is responsible for vendor and service provider registration. Solix no longer registers STAP vendors. Interested vendors must fill out and submit the STAP vendor application forms to the PUC STAP Coordinator. You can find the application form at

Please note that if all these forms are not filled out completely, the vendor will not be considered for approval for the STAP program.

Vendor application forms must be mailed to the following address:

Public Utility Commission of Texas
Attn: Dwight Martin - STAP Coordinator
PO Box 13326
1701 N. Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas 78711-3326

Or, faxed to Dwight Martin, STAP Coordinator, at 512-936-7116.

After the vendor information, application, and bank routing forms have been received and reviewed by the STAP coordinator, the vendor will receive an e-mail from the PUC indicating either an approved status and start date or a denied status and the reason for the denial.

2) How will I be reimbursed for a voucher?

Although the PUC contracts with Solix to manage payments through direct deposit to vendor's bank accounts, STAP vendors must send all exchanged vouchers to the PUC for authorization of reimbursement.

A voucher received by the PUC must be signed by the vendor and the voucher recipient; the dates should clearly show that the product and voucher were exchanged at the same time. A copy of the sales receipt must accompany the voucher. The receipt must have the following information:

  • Cost of item
  • Description/type of the equipment or services sold
  • Date of transaction
  • Brand, and model number
  • Serial number (required for two way pagers only)

Vendors will be reimbursed for either the face value of the voucher or the sales price of the equipment, whichever is less. Reimbursements are made electronically by electronic funds transfer to the vendor's bank. There will be no checks. Payment will be made within 45 days of receipt of all required voucher information. However, rules allow PUC to withhold payment of a voucher if there is a dispute between the recipient and the vendor regarding the equipment or services.

3) I work with a distributor or manufacturer so the STAP products are mailed directly to the voucher recipients, since I do not have STAP products on display or in stock, is this permitted?

Yes, but it is highly recommended that the distributor or manufacturer mail all STAP devices to vendors so that when the voucher is exchanged the vendor can ensure the customer is given written instructions and understands how to operate the device.

It is also highly recommended that vendors have a variety of STAP products (including the most popular types) on display to explain the features and benefits of different products and enable consumers to test and identify the model which is most beneficial for them.

In all cases a signature is required as proof of delivery. (refer to #4 below for more information.)

4) If the STAP product is sent by mail (online or catalog ordering), how do I make sure I get the recipient's signature?

Vendors that ship devices to a voucher recipient must use a delivery method that requires a delivery signature when the authorized device is received by the designated recipient. A person who has guardianship of or power of attorney for the voucher recipient may sign the proof of delivery form when the device is received.

If the delivery service is unable to get an acceptable delivery signature, the service will not deliver the STAP product and may give the voucher recipient several (usually 3) opportunities to receive the package at home or may leave instructions for the voucher recipient or parent/guardian to pick up the product. If the delivery service is unable to obtain a delivery signature the device will be mailed back to vendor.

5) What if a customer exchanged a voucher for a more expensive product and they paid the cost difference with a check. The check bounced and the customer is not cooperating with me and would not return the product. Will PUC or DARS help me resolve this problem?

PUC and DARS are unable to assist in this matter.

6) I am a vendor and I have a qualifying disability. Am I permitted to apply for a Specialized Telecommunications Assistance Program voucher?


7) What devices are reimbursed by the USF?

Only devices that meet the criteria of the voucher categories listed on the DARS STAP application will be reimbursed by the USF. It is important that devices sold to consumers are correctly identified and noted on the voucher and receipt. Failure to do so may delay reimbursement.

The list of available STAP device catagories can be found at:

Keep in mind that these types of devices are not taxable because they are considered to be medical equipment. Also, the voucher will not pay for items such as shipping and handling, batteries, carrying cases, extra paper, etc. Such items are to be paid for by the customer. Please contact the PUC if you are uncertain whether items are reimbursable.

Pursuant to PUC Substantive Rule 26.415, the PUC provides guidelines to facilitate the payment of vendors who have accepted a voucher issued by DARS for the purchase of STAP devices or services.

8) I see that a two-way communication pager is part of the STAP approved product list. I'd like to sell pagers, how do I do that?

The decision is yours on how you want to conduct this type of business, however, it is strongly suggested that vendors wishing to sell pagers secure a license or agreement with the wireless provider. With an agreement or license, vendors can take advantage of tools offered by the wireless provider and better facilitate the voucher process.

If you do secure a License Agreement, the PUC STAP coordinator will be happy to make sure the vendor listing in website clearly shows "Licensed Pager Retailer/Reseller" or some wording reflecting your licensure status so that the voucher recipients looking for a pager dealer will know if the vendor is licensed or not.

One recurring problem with two way communication pagers is the credit check of the voucher recipient. If the recipient's credit rating is not good, often the service is not activated until a deposit is paid (normally a large amount of money) which leaves the voucher recipient stuck with a pager without service. This often leads to the recipient trying to return the pager to the vendor. It is strongly suggested that before a vendor accepts a voucher for a pager, the applicant's credit rating be checked or the vendor be able to offer the pager with a pre-paid month to month option.

The vendor will need to make sure the voucher recipient understands the financial obligation (credit deposits and monthly charges) as well as the service coverage of the pager and whether or not it meets the needs of the recipient.

9) I see that CapTel - a Captioning Telephone- is part of the STAP approved product list. I'd like to sell CapTel, how do I do that?

Weitbrecht Communications, Inc (WCI) is the sole distributor of CapTel products, so you will need to contact WCI to secure a license or agreement to sell CapTel products in Texas.

Note: Remember, STAP vendors must submit a list of devices sold by the company to the PUC STAP Coordinator. If the STAP vendor does not list the captioned telephone as one of the products sold and exchanges the voucher, the vendor will NOT be reimbursed because it was not on the submitted list of STAP products sold by the vendor. (see question #10)

10) I've already submitted a list of STAP products to the STAP coordinator, and I see that I want to sell another STAP product that was not previously listed; can I sell the product anyway?

No. Unless a STAP product is on Solix's approved list, Solix will not reimburse the voucher. To be eligible for new or additional STAP products, you must submit a new list of STAP products that includes the new ones and wait for STAP Coordinator to alert Solix Inc. of the new list from the vendor.

11) Am I, as a STAP vendor, required to submit an annual report that details the quantity and types of equipment sold in the previous fiscal year (Sept 1 thru August 31)?

Yes, all STAP vendors are required to submit the annual report between September 1st and October 1st. Failure to do so will result in the PUC withholding reimbursement of any vouchers until the annual report is submitted. The report submitted will need to match data submitted to Solix on the number of STAP products redeemed as well as other data.

12) What is the best or safest way to submit vouchers to the PUC for payment?

Since the burden is on the vendor if the vouchers get lost in the mail system, it is best if the vendor sends vouchers via certified mail. Be sure to keep a copy of the certified document to prove that vouchers were sent.

13) What is the difference between a CapTel (captioned telephone) and a VCO phone? Aren't they the same product?

No, they are not the same product and although similar, they provide two different types of services. In both cases the devices are used by people who have hearing impairment but use their own voice during a call speaking directly to the other person. Using a specially-designed VCO telephone that has a text screen and a VCO relay service, as the other person speaks, the Relay Agent types back the words that are being said but the VCO user cannot hear the other party. When using a CapTel phone and a CapTel relay service however, the user is able to both hear and see a text version of the other parties response although there is a slight time delay between the responders spoken words and the text message being displayed on the users screen. Also, because CapTel relay operators use voice recognition technology to convert the responder's message to text, the spelling of the text message received may at times vary from the responder's actual words.

Vendors who exchange products for the wrong voucher type risk losing their right to receive reimbursement for the device provided, so make sure you understand the difference between a CapTel and a VCO phone before exchanging a voucher for either of these devices. A voucher for a "Captioned Telephone" (CapTel) can currently be exchanged only by a licensed CapTel dealer. Vendors interested in selling the CapTel phone should contact WCI directly.

14) Can I get more than one piece of STAP equipment if it is under the voucher value? Example: I get a TTY that is retailed at $300 and the voucher value for TTY is $419, so can I get 2 signalers that have voucher value of $50 (combined total $100) and the total with TTY of $300 plus $100 is still under $400?

No. The voucher recipient may exchange a voucher only for the specific item(s) listed on the voucher. In this example, the voucher can only be exchanged for one TTY and one signaler for total of $369. The vendor also cannot put down $469 (419 plus 50) to collect more money on a transaction that only totaled $369.

Last Updated: 04/20/09