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Parenting Class Information

Parents who have contact with Child Protective Services may be asked to attend something called "parenting classes." Parents may be asked or ordered by a court to attend these classes as a condition of a child abuse investigation.

These classes are designed to do:

  • Teach parents basic knowledge of child development so they will have appropriate expectations of their children
  • Teach parents appropriate, non-aggressive discipline tools to help manage and correct misbehavior
  • Help parents recognize their strengths and utilize these strengths in their parenting efforts
  • Acquaint parents with local resources that deal with parenting and family issues
  • Connect parents with other parents for support and encouragement

The training offered by these classes differs from place to place: There is no central agency that regulates parenting classes statewide. However, the court and your caseworker will help you locate a parenting class that meets your family’s needs.

For more information on parenting classes in your area, call the Texas Health and Human Services Referral Service by dialing 2-1-1. Or visit their web site at