DARS Procurement Opportunities

In our efforts to assist people with disabilities and families of children with developmental delays in achieving their goals of employment, independence and productivity, DARS offers its consumers a wide array of services. These services include purchasing a variety of goods and services, all designed to meet the unique, individual needs of each person we serve.

In addition to procurements directly related to our consumers, DARS purchases a variety of goods and services to support the work of Department staff located throughout the state.

Types of goods and services typically purchased by DARS include:

Consumer Programs

  • medical services
  • consumer training
  • durable medical equipment
  • job placement services
  • computer hardware and software
  • assistive technology


  • staff training
  • printing services
  • automation support
  • temporary services
  • office supplies and equipment
  • janitorial services
  • security services
  • professional services

All state agencies, including DARS, are required to post solicitations for purchases of $25,000 or more on the Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD), which is maintained by CPA. Entire bid or proposal packages are posted for a minimum of 14 calendar days, and procurement notices are posted for a minimum of 21 calendar days. To view state agency procurement opportunities of $25,000 or more go to http://esbd.cpa.state.tx.us.

Centralized Master Bidders List (CMBL)

Businesses may also submit an application to the CPA to be placed on the CMBL. The CMBL is a comprehensive mailing list of businesses that includes HUBs and non-HUBs that are actively competing for state business opportunities. The CMBL is an effective tool for businesses to use to market their products and services to state agencies and institutes of higher education as well as many city and county offices that may also use the Central Masters Bidders List. A business may register for the CMBL by completing an on-line application. The fee for inclusion on the CMBL is $70.00 per year. The registration fee can be paid by credit card, check or money order. The CMBL categorizes vendors using specific commodity/service codes that describe the goods/services sold and the state highway districts in which they choose to do business. DARS strongly recommends that businesses submitting a HUB application, also apply to be on the CMBL. DARS does not maintain any vendor lists separate from the CMBL and the HUB directory. If you are on both lists, then your HUB status is readily apparent to procurement and contracting staff when they are searching for vendors.

For more information regarding the CMBL, go to http://www.window.state.tx.us/procurement/prog/cmbl/ or contact CPA by phone at (512) 463-3459.

CISV Purchasing Program

Effective September 1, 2007, HB 2918 repealed the Catalog Information System Vendor (CISV) program and transferred TXMAS Schedule 70 Information Technology Contracts to the Department of Information Resources (DIR).

Vendors are no longer required to be approved as CISV to provide Information Technology/Information Technology (IT/IS) products to the State of Texas.

DARS is required to purchase IT commodities and services through DIR statewide master contracts. If it is determined that an IT product or service is not available from DIR, an exemption from DIR is required before the product or service can be purchased.

For more information regarding the elimination of the CISV program and the transfer of IT contracts to DIR go to http://www.dir.state.tx.us/store/commodity/cisv-txmas.htm.