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Frequently Asked Questions About Boating Laws

Does the "Open Container" law apply when I'm in my boat?

No. This law, effective 9/1/2001, prohibits the possession of an open container of an alcoholic beverage in the passenger area of a motor vehicle. It does not apply to watercraft.

Can my driver's license be suspended if I'm arrested for operating a boat while intoxicated?

Yes. Effective 9/1/2001, a person's drivers license will be automatically suspended if the arrested person:

The period of suspension for 1st time offenders is 180 days.

Who reports boating accidents to your department?

It is the responsibility of the boat operator who is involved in the accident. Each operator must file a boating accident report if the accident:

Report forms can be downloaded from the TPWD Web site.

How do I find out if there are any special water safety regulations on a lake I want to visit?

The rules in the Texas Water Safety Act apply to all public water in Texas. The local governing body of incorporated cities or towns, county commissioners courts, and political subdivisions can pass rules relating to restricted areas and the operation and equipment of boats it deems necessary for the public safety. You must contact the entity in charge to determine if any special rules apply. Find the local governing entity for a specific water body.