Deputy Executive Director

Steven E. Simmons, P.E.Steven E. Simmons, P.E., is the deputy executive director of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). He implements and manages TxDOT policies and programs. He assists with the daily administrative and engineering operations of the department. Simmons became the deputy executive director Nov. 1, 2001.

Effective June 1, 2009, Simmons also serves as the interim Internal Compliance Program (ICP) Office Director.

After earning his bachelor's degree in civil engineering from the University of Houston in 1981, Simmons joined TxDOT's Houston District in 1982 as a project manager in the Northwest Harris/Waller Area Office. He became a licensed professional engineer in 1986 and progressed through several positions within the Houston District. He was named deputy district engineer for the Houston District in 1993. He was named to the post of Fort Worth district engineer in June 1998. In that post he served on the Regional Transportation Council of the North Central Texas Council of Governments, working to solve transportation issues in the region.

Under his leadership, the Fort Worth District received the Design Excellence Award for a Metropolitan District in 1998, 1999 and 2000. Simmons served on the civil engineering advisory boards for the University of Houston and the University of Texas at Arlington. In 2005, Simmons became the first University of Houston graduate to receive both the Engineering Alumni Association's Distinguished Young Engineering Alumnus Award (1997) and the Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award (2005). Another accomplishment that Simmons is proud of is that he is an Eagle Scout.

A native of Houston, Simmons and his wife, Lisa, have two sons (Chris and Phillip). He enjoys golf, woodworking and participating in his sons' Boy Scout activities.

You may contact Simmons by phone at (512) 305-9527 or by e-mail.