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RRC Press Releases


Williams to School Executives: Propane School Buses Can Lower Fuel Costs, Cut Pollution
October 2, 2009

Michael L. Williams, Commissioner of Texas’ chief energy agency, the Railroad Commission, hosted a seminar on fuel costs today for school-district executives attending the annual meeting of the Texas Association of School Administrators and Texas Association of School Boards. Williams’ presentation focused on ways to save taxpayers money and reduce children’s exposure to air pollutants by replacing older school buses with new propane-fueled buses. Read more...


RRC Production Statistics and Allowables for October 2009
September 28, 2009

The Texas average rig count as of Sept. 18 was 378, representing about 39 percent of all active land rigs in the United States. In the last 12 months, total Texas reported production was 347 million barrels of oil and 7.6 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Texas natural gas production represents approximately 29 percent of total U.S. natural gas demand. Read more ....

Texas Oil and Gas Statistics
September 28, 2009

The Commission issued a total of 1,043 original drilling permits in August 2009 compared to 2,129 in August 2008. The August total included 805 permits to drill new oil and gas wells, 26 to re-enter existing well bores, and 212 for re-completions. Permits issued in August 2009 included 275 oil, 203 gas, 540 oil and gas, 21 injection, zero service and four other permits. Read more ....