Conservation Education Models

NPS (Nonpoint source pollution watershed flow) Model

The NPS model is a hands-on representation that allows students to understand how water sources can become polluted from nonpoint sources. The plastic structure has industrial, undeveloped, agricultural, residential and roadway components, complete with individual houses, trees, cars, tractors and cows. When "rain" falls on the model, runoff carries "pollution" into the city lake.

Watershed Model Instructional Video

The link above is to give you an instructional look into using the watershed model. You will need Quicktime to view this video.

How Shipping Works

The Association of Texas Soil and Water Conservation Districts' Public Information/Education Committee will pay first transit postage costs to mail the model to the requester. Postage for returning will be the responsibility of the borrower. All models must be insured upon return.

Ordering A Model

To request one of the conservation education models, contact the TSSWCB Public Information and Education department at infoed [at] tsswcb [dot] state [dot] tx [dot] us.