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State Purchasing

Statewide Contracting

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TPASS's Statewide Contracting Team (SC) performs a variety of functions to assist the State of Texas contracting community. The program's areas of responsibilities include processing and reviewing major contract solicitations as the lead agency on the Contract Advisory Team (CAT), processing requests for delegated purchasing authority, managing and revising the Contract Management Guide while providing diverse customer service functions.

SC strives to provide seamless solicitation review processes on behalf of all state agencies. SC methodically solicits feedback from its peer agencies and customers in an effort to increase responsible stewardship of funds utilized in state contracts, contract management safety measures and healthy business relationships with the vendor community. Similarly, SC surveys its peer agencies and customers in an effort to decrease contracting risks to further protect the state, its assets, and the citizens of Texas. The program also provides solicitation review services to state agencies who request technical assistance with their solicitation development and contract management practices.

Contract Advisory Team

As the lead agency CAT member, SC assumes responsibility for implementing major contract legislation as defined by Texas Gov't Code §2262. SC Coordinates with the CAT on several contract managment related activities. SC takes the lead in coordinating and processing reviews for the CAT and developing team policies & protocol. The review process ensures that state agencies have the proper tools incorporated within their solicitations to track vendor performance, measure success, and ensure the state is receiving the contracted good or service.

Contract Management Guide

SC is also responsible for updating the Contract Management Guide (CMG) on behalf of TPASS as indicated in 2262.051. The CMG provides suggestions and best practices to improve statewide contracting practices. SC coordinates revisions of the guide with members of the state government contracting community and the Contract Advisory Team.

Contracting Assistance

SC performs a wide range of customer service functions aimed at assisting state agencies in contracting. Read more about these services...

  • Solicitation Development and Reviews
  • Training Sessions

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