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AML Reclamation Bidding Opportunities

Updated: 9/16/09

The Texas Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) Program solicits construction bids for AML reclamation projects. These projects fall within one of three categories:

1. Earthwork reclamation involving reshaping and recontouring abandoned surface mine pits and spoil piles. Quantity of earth moved ranges from 250,000 cubic yards to 2,000,000 cubic yards per reclamation project.
2. Revegetation and Erosion Control reclamation involves seedbed preparation, seeding native grasses, sprigging coastal bermuda grass and installation of turf reinforcement mats.
3. Hardrock Mine reclamation involves closing abandoned underground mine shafts and openings by backfilling, construction of rock walls and installation of metal gates and grates.

Companies or individuals interested in bidding this type of work with the Railroad Commission should contact the AML Program Manager at (512) 463-7313 or by email at Mark.Rhodes@rrc.state.tx.us.

AML Reclamation Projects Currently Being Bid

  Big Bend Ranch State Park - Solitario Abandoned Mine Land (AML) Project 455-10-0054