Sexual Assault Prevention and Crisis Services

The Office of the Attorney General actively commits to the end of sexual violence by improving and enhancing the quality of services for victims/survivors and by developing and providing interagency training and promoting multi-disciplinary collaboration. We challenge our communities and the state to join us.

Sexual Assault Prevention and Crisis Services (SAPCS) is a program of the Crime Victim Services Division of the Office of the Attorney General. Services offered by SAPCS include:

  • Funding and technical assistance to sexual assault programs and some special projects throughout the state;
  • Establishing Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs) in communities;
  • Certifying Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs);
  • Certifying sexual assault volunteer training programs.

SAPCS is also mandated to provide the protocol for sexual assault forensic evidence collection and the pseudonym form for survivors of sexual assault who do not wish to reveal their identities.

Local Services for Survivors

If you have been sexually assaulted and are seeking help or information, you can contact your local sexual assault center for free and confidential services. The free services that are available at your local center include:
  • 24 hour crisis hotline
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Hospital advocacy & accompaniment
  • Law enforcement advocacy & accompaniment
  • Legal advocacy & court accompaniment

To get in touch with your local sexual assault center you can call the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673). For more information about sexual assault awareness efforts in the state of Texas or for a listing of Texas sexual assault programs you can contact the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (TAASA) at 512-474-7190.

Funding Qualifications

The following entities are eligible to apply under the SAPCS-State Program:

  • Local units of government, excluding law enforcement agencies and prosecutor's offices;
  • Non-profit agencies with 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3) status; or
  • State agencies.

Local Programs: A local program must offer the following minimum services for at least nine months prior to receiving a SAPCS-State grant contract: 24-hour crisis hotline; crisis intervention; public education; advocacy and accompaniment to hospitals, law enforcement offices, prosecutor offices, and courts for survivors and their family members; and crisis intervention volunteer training.

Statewide Program: A statewide program, to be eligible for SAPCS-State special project funding, must show that it supports efforts to maintain or expand existing services offered by local sexual assault programs; improve services to survivors; or other activities consistent with Texas Government Code, Chapter 420.

The following entities are eligible to apply under the SAPCS-Federal Program:

  • Local units of government, excluding law enforcement agencies and prosecutor's offices;
  • Non-profit agencies with 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3) status; or
  • State agencies

Local Programs: A local program must meet the local program eligibility requirements for a SAPCS-State grant which means it must offer the following minimum services for at least nine months prior to receiving a SAPCS-Federal grant contract: 24-hour crisis hotline; crisis intervention; public education; advocacy and accompaniment to hospitals, law enforcement offices, prosecutor offices, and courts for survivors and their family members; and crisis intervention volunteer training.

Statewide Program: A statewide program, to be eligible for SAPCS-Federal special project funding, must show that it supports efforts to maintain or expand existing services offered by local sexual assault programs; improve services to survivors; or other activities consistent with Texas Government Code, Chapter 420.

A local or statewide Applicant does not have to actually apply or receive a SAPCS-State grant to meet these eligibility requirements for an SAPCS-Federal grant.

For More Information e-mail:

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE)

The SANE program supports community efforts to address the crime of sexual assault by establishing a process for accurate evidence collection and support for sexual assault survivors.

The Sexual Assault Prevention & Crisis Services program facilitates this process by:

  1. assisting communities in establishing SARTS;
  2. offering training to registered nurses (RNs) on completing sexual assault medical/forensic examinations; and
  3. certifying RNs who have completed the SANE Forensic Training Program.

A Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) is an RN who has been specifically trained to:

  • provide comprehensive care to sexual assault survivors;
  • demonstrate competency in conducting a forensic exam to include evaluation for evidence collection;
  • have the expertise to provide effective courtroom testimony; and
  • show compassion and sensitivity to survivors of sexual assault.

To become a SANE an RN must complete classroom and clinical hours before performing sexual assault examinations independently. The Sexual Assault Prevention & Crisis Services Program requires an RN to complete sixty four hour (64) classroom hours and ninety-six (96) clinical hours.

Certification - Recertification Forms:

If you have any questions, contact SANE/SART Program at 512/936-2880 or

Sexual Assault Response Teams (SART)

A SART is a multi-disciplinary collaboration of

  • local sexual assault programs
  • law enforcement agencies (police and Sheriff)
  • District/County Attorneys
  • Medical facilities

Developing a SART increases accountability for offenders by coordinating the community response to sexual assault from the time of the report through prosecution. Establishing a successful SART is the first step to developing a SANE program. For More Information e-mail:

Revised: March 23 2009
CVS Update CVS Update - the Crime Victim Services Division Enewsletter CVS Materials Order Form
Contact Information:
Crime Victims' Compensation
P.O. Box 12198
Austin, Texas 78711-2198
1-800-983-9933 (state-wide) 1-512-936-1200 (in Austin)
1-512-936-1800 (FAX) Address Confidentiality Program, MC-069
P O Box 12199
Austin, Tx 78711-2199