Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Undergraduate Ed  |  AAR  

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Inventory Access and Update
CIP/Rubric Index
WECM Workshops
IP Listserv
Texas Skill Standards

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Workforce Education Course Manual

Search WECM
The Workforce Education Course Manual (WECM) is a web-based inventory of current workforce education courses available for use by public two-year colleges. This link allows you to search the WECM using a variety of criteria. Links to the Search WECM (Old System) and WECM (Old System) are also provided for familiarity as you transition to the new system. You may also submit comments through the WECM Comments page.

Inventory Access and Update
View and update your college’s workforce education programs and course inventories. This includes submission of Special Topics and Local Need courses, program revisions, and new program submissions. This section also provides notification when submissions have been approved. A link to the Electronic Submissions (Old System) is also provided and will remain functional until the new system is fully operational.

The Guidelines for Instructional Programs in Workforce Education (GIPWE) is the Coordinating Board’s official policy manual for both credit and non-credit workforce education programs offered at public higher education institutions.

The Lower-Division Academic Course Guide Manual (ACGM) is the official list of courses approved for general academic transfer that may be offered by public community and technical colleges in Texas for state funding.

CIP/Rubric Index (Updated 09/25/2009)
This document details the rubrics and funding codes that have been assigned to each CIP code.

WECM Workshops
Information regarding the WECM course review process. Includes workshop results as well as information about upcoming workshops.

IP Listserv
The IPLIST LISTSERV is an electronic mailing list that provides timely emails regarding changes which affect instructional programs at state community and technical colleges in Texas.

Announcements (Updated 09/25/2009)
Check here for important information regarding workforce education.

Continuing Education F.A.Q.
Frequently asked questions regarding Continuing Education.

Texas Skill Standards
The Texas Skill Standards Board (TSSB) is an advisory body to the Governor and Legislature on the development of a statewide system of industry-defined and industry-recognized skill standards for all major skilled, sub-baccalaureate occupations that provide strong employment and earnings opportunities. This link will take you to TSSB’s website.

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