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About the Adoption Family Network (AFN)

Who Can Register?

An individual or their social worker may register family demographics and adoption preferences through the Adoption Family Network registration form.

This information is stored in a searchable database. It can be viewed only by DFPS staff and is password protected.

The family must:

  • have a current completed home study; and
  • be working with an agency and caseworker.

[register now]

AFN brings approved adoptive families with a current home study to the attention of DFPS staff and increases the placement options for Texas waiting children.

The AFN is part of the Texas Adoption Resource Exchange. It is a quick and easy way for adoptive families in Texas and throughout the United States to provide their adoption preferences and interest in adopting Texas children to DFPS staff statewide. These families may be considered for adoption of children who may or may not yet be photo-listed on the Texas Adoption Resource Exchange (TARE).

DFPS staff will be able to view and search the information the family has provided regarding their adoption preferences such as child characteristics, family skills, and the overall level of disability the family has indicated they are wanting to parent. Ultimately, it may result in a successful adoptive placement for a child.

Matching of a child with a family who can meet their needs requires an interchange of information between the child contact and the family caseworker. The family home study may be requested. If a possible match is considered the family or child caseworker will contact the family.

Please note that a request for a home study does not mean the family has been selected for a child. Only after reading the home study can a caseworker determine if the family will be considered for a specific child or sibling group.

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