Agency Overview

The Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) was founded in 1893 with a mission to address the Texas fever tick problem. Today, TAHC works to protect the health of all Texas livestock, including:

TAHC also works to keep pests from reoccurring as major livestock health hazards. Ultimately, the TAHC mission and role is the assurance of marketability and mobility of Texas livestock. TAHC works to sustain and continue to make a vital contribution to a wholesome and abundant supply of meat, eggs, and dairy products at affordable costs.

The Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) has legislative authority to make and enforce regulations to prevent, control, and eradicate specific infectious animal diseases which endanger livestock. TAHC regulations are made and adopted by 13 governor-appointed commissioners who represent the general public and various livestock industries and professions. The commissioners serve staggered six-year terms and meet as needed to study the regulatory needs of the agency, review public comments on proposed regulation changes, and adopt new rules when necessary.

Agency headquarters are in Austin. Eight area offices are strategically located across the state so the staff can work more effectively with ranchers, livestock market and slaughter plant personnel, and other livestock industry representatives. Four laboratories provide provide serological and microbiological diagnostic services for cattle brucellosis, swine brucellosis, and pseudorabies. The Austin laboratory provides identification of pest specimens such as screwworm fly larvae, scabies mites, and ticks collected from livestock.

Agency Vision

Through the cooperative efforts of the Texas Animal Health Commission, animal producers, and allied industry groups, the animal population of Texas is healthy and secure.

Agency Mission

The mission of the Texas Animal Health Commission is:

by conducting agency business in a responsive, cooperative and transparent manner.

Agency Philosophy

The Texas Animal Health Commission will carry out its mission with honesty, openness and efficiency. We will use the best available resources, technology and trained personnel to achieve the agency goals. We will listen to and respect the opinions and concerns of the people of Texas. We will encourage and promote open communication between all parties. We will strive to continuously develop new, or enhance existing relationships, among government, industry, and private citizens to realize our vision of a healthy and secure animal population in Texas.

Agency Strategic Plans

2009-2013 TAHC Strategic Plan
2007-2011 TAHC Strategic Plan
2005-2009 TAHC Strategic Plan

Agency Legislative Appropriations Request

TAHC 2010-2011 Legislative Appropriations Request

More Information about the Texas Animal Health Commission

Comptroller's Office State Expenditure Information
2006 Customer Service Report
The Sunset Review of the Texas Animal Health Commission
Effective Infrastructure [pdf]
In Service to the Agriculture Industry [pdf]
How The Agency Was Started [pdf]