Image of Internal Affairs Seal


(Print these instructions so you may have them on hand while reviewing the Personnel Complaint Affidavit. Click the print button on your browser.)

  1. If you have not already read the section entitled "Complaint Investigation and Resolution", it is recommended you do so now.
  2. Complaints should be submitted in writing on one of the forms below with your signature affixed.
  3. If you are 18 years of age or older, use the Personnel Complaint Affidavit for persons 18 and older. If you are under 18 years of age, use the Personnel Complaint Affidavit for persons under 18.
  4. Fill in each blank with the requested information. Blank pages may be inserted between the first page and the signature page if additional space is needed.
  5. In the body of the affidavit, in a narrative form, give a concise statement of the nature of the complaint, including all relevant facts. The more information you can provide, the better it is for the investigator. If known, name the DPS employee you are complaining against or give sufficient information to allow the Department to identify the employee. Please include your address and telephone number so the investigator can contact you.
  6. After you have completed the narrative portion of the appropriate Personnel Complaint Affidavit, sign it as required.
  7. The completed and signed affidavit may be filed by mail or in person with the employee's supervisor or Internal Affairs at the Department's headquarters in Austin.

Please mail or fax your completed affidavit to:

Texas Department of Public Safety
Internal Affairs Unit

P.O. Box 4087
Austin, TX 78773-0160
Fax: (512) 424-5769