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What’s new for 2009? Single Stream Recycling

The Texas Facilities Commission (TFC) Recycle Program, in cooperation with Austin Task, is pleased to announce a new Single Stream Recycling initiative. You can now place most recyclable items in your desk side or centrally located recycle bin—no need to separate. We’ve included with this notice a quick Q&A in your continued pursuit of zero landfill.


Paper — (newspaper, office paper, junk mail, cereal and soft drink boxes, corrugated cardboard), staples, paper clips, wire hangers, spiral notebooks Aluminum and metal cans — food cans (labels left on OK), soda cans Rigid plastics — #1 through #7, including yogurt and margarine tubs, Styrofoam packing

Note: All containers must be clean and dry

On Request
Batteries (single use and rechargeable), toner/inkjet cartridges, electronics— please contact

Plastic bags, Styrofoam cups, egg cartons, take-out containers, pizza boxes, glass, hard bound books with covers on

How can I help spread the word?
Let your coworkers know about the new recycling process

How can I help keep everything clean?
Food and liquids contaminate the paper, reducing its value. Empty and
clean all your plastic containers. Keep trash and other non-recyclables
out of the recycle bins.

For any questions or comment, contact Thomas Shook at (512) 475-3538
or at