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The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), signed into law in February 2009, will bring billions of dollars in new federal funding to Texas public schools. Check this page regularly for the latest updates on the stimulus and stabilization package.

 The intended purpose of all of the ARRA funds is to save and create jobs as well as improve education through four key reform areas:

  1. Making progress toward rigorous college-and-career-ready standards and high quality assessments that are valid and reliable for all students, including English language learners and students with disabilities;
  2. Establishing Pre-K to college and career data systems that track progress and foster continuous improvement;
  3. Making improvements in teacher effectiveness and in the equitable distribution of qualified teachers for all students, particularly students who are most in need; and
  4. Providing intensive support and effective interventions for the lowest performing schools.

Recent News and Announcements

10/02/2009 - FAQ X - this updated FAQ contains information related to Reporting for all ARRA grants - please note other sections in this FAQ are for SFSF grant only

10/01/2009 - ER Instructions to Enter ARRA Quarterly Reporting

9/29/2009   - Texas Guidance on 1512 Quarterly Reporting 

9/25/2009   - New ARRA Quarterly Reporting Requirements 

Salary Information 
    older posts  

Texas Information

Texas Resources and Guidance  

SFSF Technical Assistance Webinars 

ARRA Funding Details for Texas

Texas Steps Up - program details and information

Prohibitions on an LEA’s use of SFSF funds

Additional Contact Information 

Salary Information

ARRA Grant Reimbursements by LEA 


Federal Information

Federal Resources and Guidance


For more information…

Contact us by email and by phone at 512.936.3647 or join the Stimulus: Funds for Texas Education listserv.

Reporting fraud, waste or abuse to the State Auditor's Office

The SAO investigates allegations of fraud, waste or abuse involving state funds and resources.  This includes fraud, waste or abuse involving the Federal Stimulus or American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds. 

To report fraud, waste or abuse to the State Auditors Office call the SAO Hotline at 1-800-TX-AUDIT (892-8348) or the Web site https://sao.fraud.state.tx.us/hotline.aspx