TEA Secure Environment (TEASE)

Request for Access: RF Tracker

External Users

General Information:

A TEASE username and password are required to view and submit data in the Interventions system. To request a new TEASE account, request the Interventions application be added to an an existing TEASE account, or to modify or revoke existing access to the Interventions application, please complete this form and mail or fax to the address in Section 7. Your username and password will be issued to you via email.

Section 1A: User Information
Enter your personal information. This should be the information for whom access is being requested.
*First Name:
Middle Name:
*Last Name:
*Birth Month/Day:
*Job Title:
*Work Mailing Address:
*Zip Code:
*Phone Number:
(Provide direct number)
*Email Address:
(Please provide your individual work email address, not a group address)
* Indicates required information.

Section 1B: User Organization Information

*LEA Name
*County District Number *Region Number
Section 2:  Type of Access or Modification Requested

Option 1 - New TEASE Account Setup - If you do not currently access any TEA automated applications through TEASE and need to have a username and password created, go to Option 1 and complete the information.

Option 2 - Add the RF Tracker web application to an existing TEASE application - If you already have a TEASE username and password and need to add RF Tracker  to your current list of available applications,  go to Option 2 and complete the information.

Option 3 - Delete access to the RF Tracker TEASE account - If you no longer need access to RF Tracker, go to Option 3 and complete the information.


Option 1 - New TEASE Account Setup

I will need the following role assigned in RF Tracker:

District User  - User with authority to view and enter data for authorized district(s). (Note: If you are a member of a shared service arrangement (SSA) and require access to multiple districts for this TEASE account, you will need to complete this form for every district for which you need access.)

ESC User  - Service Center user with authority to view and enter and upload data for districts within authorized region.

Option 2 - Add RF Tracker to an existing TEASE Account

  I already have a TEASE username, which is  .

I will need the following role assigned in RF Tracker:

District User  - User with authority to view and enter data for authorized district(s). (Note: If you are a member of a shared service arrangement (SSA) and require access to multiple districts for this TEASE account, you will need to complete this form for every district for which you need access.)

ESC User  - Service Center user with authority to view and enter data for districts within authorized region.

Option 3 - Delete access to RF Tracker TEASE account.

If deleting or revoking access for another user, please provide your contact name and phone number:


Phone Number
Section 3:  Certification and Approval

Review, sign, and date the "Requestor Certification and Responsibility" statement. Then obtain the signature of the superintendent from the district for which you are requesting access or the ESC executive director for your ESC of employment. This signature will act as official approval of your request. After you secure the required signoff, please submit the application to TEA via fax or mail at the address given below in Section 7.

Requestor Certification and Responsibility
  • I understand that my username and password are CONFIDENTIAL and may not be shared with another person or entity under any circumstances whatsoever.
  • I will neither divulge my password nor use a username and password assigned to someone else.
  • I understand that I am responsible for all transactions made with my username and password
  • If I suspect that my password has been compromised, or that someone else has used my account, I understand that it is my responsibility to change my password immediately.
  • I will not knowingly or intentionally enter any unauthorized data, or change any data without authorization.
  • I understand that any unauthorized disclosure of confidential student information is illegal as provided in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) and in the implementing of federal regulations found in 34 CFR, Part 99. FERPA is specifically incorporated into the Texas Public Information Act as an exception to records which are subject to disclosures to the public (Government Code, Section 552.026). I also understand that release of confidential student information is prohibited by the Texas Government Code, Section 552.352, and that such an offense constitutes a Class A misdemeanor.
  • I understand that any data sets or output reports that I, or my authorized representative, may generate using confidential data are to be protected. I will not distribute any data sets or reports that I have access to or that may be generated using confidential data to any unauthorized person. I understand that I am responsible for any computer transactions performed as a result of access authorized through my TEA SE usernames and passwords.
  • I also understand that failure to observe these restrictions is prohibited by the Texas Government Code, Section 552.352, and that such an offense constitutes a Class A misdemeanor.
  • I agree that access to confidential data will be limited to the purpose specified above and agree to limit the data I view to that necessary for that purpose.
  • I understand that procedures must be in place to monitor and protect confidential information.
  • I certify that the information contained in the registration form is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and that the organization named above has authorized me as a representative. I further certify that any ensuing program and activity will be conducted in accordance with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations.
  • I agree to notify the TEA Computer Access Office when my job responsibilities no longer require access to the requested information, or I terminate employment with my current organization.
  • I understand my username and password will expire 12 months from issuance if there is no activity.
  • For ESC Users Only: I agree to use these data only for support of monitoring and intervention activities on behalf of the LEAs in my region.
  • ___________________________________

    *User's Signature

    Section 4:  Superintendent /ESC Executive Director Signature
    Obtain the signature of the superintendent from the district for which you are requesting access. If you are an ESC User, obtain the ESC Executive Director's signature.


    * District Superintendent/ESC Executive Director Signature
    *Official's Typed Name

    The District Superintendent or ESC Executive Director is responsible for revoking the username of persons who are
    no longer required to have access to district data through the RF Tracker application.

    Section 5:  TEA Division of Program Monitoring and Interventions Approval (TEA Staff ONLY)




    * Interventions Support Staff Name/Signature
    Section 6:  TEA SE Computer Access Coordinator Approval (TEA  Computer Access ONLY)

    TEASE Username:_________________________________________________________________________



    TEA SE Computer Access Coordinator's Signature
    Section 7: Submitting Your Request
    Mail or fax your request for TEA SE access to the following address:
    Interventions TEASE Support
    Texas Education Agency
    Program Monitoring and Interventions
    1701 N. Congress Ave.
    Austin TX 78701-1494
    FAX: 512-463-9560

    For assistance in completing this form, please submit questions electronically to PMIDivision @tea.state.tx.us. Please be sure to include your name and a contact phone number (including area code), and be as specific as possible about the problem you are encountering.