TEA Secure Environment (TEA SE)

Request for Access:  PGA

Perkins Grant Application

A TEA SE username and password are required to access the PGA system.  To request a new username, or to modify or revoke existing access to the web application, please complete this form and follow the instructions for mailing or faxing the form.  Your username and password will be issued to you via email.  Your username will expire 15 months from issuance if there is no activity. Please access the PGA system at least once every 15 months.

Section 1:  Requestor Information

*Today's Date (MM/DD/YYYY)

*Date Required (MM/DD/YYYY)

*Last Name

*First Name and Middle Initial

*Job Title



*Work Address



*Zip Code

*County/District Number

*Region Number

*Phone Number

FAX Number

*E-mail address


* = Required information  

Section 2:  Type of Access or Modification Requested

Select one action:

I do not have a TEA SE username.  Please create one for me.

I already have a TEA SE username, which is 

     ADD access to PGA.  My job duties include this responsibility.

     MODIFY my access to PGA. My needs have changed.  Modification desired is:


     REVOKE my access to PGA.  My duties no longer include this responsibility.

     DELETE my access to all TEA SE applications.

  • I understand that I am responsible for all transactions made with my username and password.  

  • I will neither divulge my password nor use a username and password assigned to someone else.

  • If I suspect that my password has been compromised, I understand that it is my responsibility to change it.

  • I will not knowingly or intentionally enter any unauthorized data, or change any data without authorization.

  • I agree to notify the TEA Information Security office when my job responsibilities no longer require access to the requested information, or I terminate employment with my current entity.

  • I certify that the information contained in the registration form is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and that the education agency named above has authorized me as a representative. I further certify that any ensuing program and activity will be conducted in accordance with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations.



*Requestor's Signature



*Superintendent's Signature

*Superintendent's Typed Name & Title

(TEA users:  Division Director's name & title)

This section to be completed by TEA Program Coordinator

Select one role:     LEA User     TEA User



Program Coordinator Signature Date

This section to be completed by TEA Security Coordinator

TEA SE username:



Security Administrator Signature Date

Section 3: Submitting Your Request

To complete your application:  

1.  Print and sign the completed form.

2.  Submit the signed form to your director for approval.

3.  Mail or fax all pages of the application, signed by you and the Superintendent, to the address at the bottom of the page.  If you mail the request, be sure to retain a copy for your records.

For assistance, call 512-463-8525.

Division of Formula Funding

Texas Education Agency

1701 N. Congress Ave.

Austin TX  78701-1494                           FAX:  512-463-7915