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Texas Legislative Council
Probate Code

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Probate Code

Background information. As part of its continuing statutory revision program, the council is embarking on a nonsubstantive revision of the Texas Probate Code. The council anticipates codifying the Texas Probate Code in two installments. During this interim, the council staff is revising the decedents' estates portion of the code, with a few exceptions, and intends to complete the revision of the code, including the guardianship portion, next interim. Several meetings have been held with probate law experts to discuss and develop a plan for this project.

Contact information. The portions of the Probate Code proposed for nonsubstantive revision by the 81st Legislature are under the direction of Maria Breitschopf of the legal staff. Questions, comments, or suggestions relating to the project may be directed to Ms. Breitschopf at P.O. Box 12128, Austin, Texas 78711, or at telephone number (512) 463-1155.

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  • This web page is published by the Texas Legislative Council and was last updated March 20, 2009.