Court Reporters Certification Board | Continuing Ed. Rules for Court Reporters

Continuing Ed. Rules for Court Reporters

(Effective January 1, 2004)

Lack of knowledge of the rules is NOT an allowable exception for not following them.

Table of Contents

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(a) Continuing Education Requirements

(1) Beginning with the December 31,1998, renewal and every renewal after that, every registrant who applies for renewal of a certification as a certified shorthand reporter (CSR) shall complete during the renewal period one (1.0) continuing education units (hereinafter "CEU" or "CEUs") which equals 10 hours of continuing education instruction relevant to the practice of shorthand reporting. Effective 12/31/02 the 1.0 unit requirement shall include a minimum of .25 CEUs (2.5 hours) attained through a CRCB approved professional development education program/sponsor with each renewal period in an ethics / rules category.

(2) A renewal period is the 24 months preceding December 31 of each renewal year except for delinquent renewal applicants. All courses/activities eligible for CEU credit must be completed within the renewal period. See Rule (j). Additional CEUs earned may not b used for subsequent renewal periods.

(3) Each CEU activity must be at least 60 minutes of actual clock time spent by a registrant in actual attendance at and completion of an approved CEU activity. Each CEU activity must be .10 CEUs subject to approval by the Court Reporters Certification Board (hereinafter "Board"). Some CEU activity may receive less credit based on the content of the material. After completion of the initial 60 minutes of CEU activity, credit may be given in one-half hour increments.

(4) A candidate certified by examination must comply with the CE requirements as set forth in this section by completing one (1.0) continuing education unit(s) during their two (2) year compliance period on or before the candidate's initial certification expiration date.

(5) Shorthand reporters certified in Texas but residing and practicing in other states shall comply with the CE requirements set forth in this section.

(6) Continuing Education applications/requests for course approval/CEUs must be submitted prior to September 30th of the year the CSR license expires. Applications from CSRs will not be accepted after September 30th without penalty. See section (c) (13) (14) for fees.

(7) In the event a program duration extends beyond the end of the year of reporting period, applicable CEU credit will be applied to the reporting period for the year of the conclusion of the program after verification of attendance is provided. No CEU credit shall be split between reporting periods. Example, course taken begins 2001 and ends in 2002. License expires 2001 and the coverage period is 2000- 2001. The course will be used for the coverage period of 2002-2003, not for 2000-2001.

(8) Seminars approved, not sponsored, by NCRA must be pre-approved by the Board and in turn will receive a program number. If a sponsor of a seminar does not seek pre-approval with the CRCB it then becomes the sole responsibility of the court reporter attendee to seek approval by the Board for the seminar(s) they have attended or plan to attend. Attendees of seminars sponsored by NCRA shall submit a copy of their certificate of attendance or statement from NCRA reflecting CEU credit in order to receive CEU credit for renewal. All other seminars to be used for CEU compliance must have a CRCB assigned program number in order to be considered eligible to apply towards certification renewal.

(A) The CRCB office will assign course numbers for sponsors, e.g., "S2002-01 (the "S" designation for sponsors). The CRCB office will assign an approved course number for applicants seeking preapproval for attendance at third-party seminars which do not seek a sponsor number from the CRCB, e.g., "A2002-01" (the "A" designation for attendees).

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(b) How to Acquire CEUs

(1) CEUs may be earned from:

(A) Verified attendance (e.g., certificate of attendance or certificate of completion) at or participation in a program, activity or course ("program") presented by a continuing education sponsor in subsection (c) below.

(B) Verified attendance at a program presented by a continuing education sponsor in subsection (c) below that is of general information value to shorthand reporters but does not directly relate to the reporter's ability to produce an accurate and timely transcript.

(C) Verified personal preparation of educational presentations pertaining to the profession of court reporting and serving as an instructor, speaker or panel member at a Board-approved CEU seminar will be allowed for CEUs as follows: (1) A reporter participating as an instructor in different courses in pre-approved CE programs shall be eligible for the same number of CEUs as approved for each presentation. (2) CEUs for preparation time of up to .25 CEUs. (3) CEUs for preparation time(s) and presentation time(s) within the same two-year renewal period shall not be allowed for repetitious presentations.

(D) Writing articles pertaining to the profession of court reporting and published in a state or nationally recognized professional journal of court reporting or law. No more than .25 CEUs may be earned under this category in any one renewal period. The published article must be Board approved to receive continuing education credit. Credit will not be allowed for the same article published in more than one publication.

(2) Additionally, CEUs may be earned from:

(A) Courses successfully completed with a grade of "C" or better or a "Pass" on a pass/fail system that are a part of the curriculum of a university, college or other educational institution that leads to an academic degree (e.g., associate, bachelor's, master's or doctorate degree) directly related to the Certified Shorthand Reporter's knowledge, ability or competence to perform his/her duties as described in subsection (c)(3)(i-viii). One semester of course work is equivalent to a maximum of .40 CEUs. Applicants wishing to obtain CEU credit for degreed programs may only acquire CEU for the core college courses for that particular program. When submitting CE Compliance forms for renewal and/or when applying for approval of degreed programs, the applicants shall submit a copy of the curriculum or course outline for said program. Electives are not eligible for CE compliance. Courses must be completed within the renewal period.

(B) Qualifying and participating in TCRA and/or NCRA Sponsored Speed Contest, TCRA Sponsored CRR contest, passing National sponsored RPR, RMR, RDR, CRR examination, and/or attainment of TCRA sponsored CART certification at level 3, 4 and 5, as follows (no application for CEU under the following categories will be grandfathered):

  • RPR - .15 CEUs for passing
  • RMR - .15 CEUs for passing
  • RDR - .15 CEUs for passing
  • CRR - .15 CEUs for passing
  • CMR- .15 CEUs for passing
  • CART level 3, 4 & 5 - .15 for passing each level
  • Texas Court Reporters Association Sponsored Speed Contest - (qualify & participate) .15 CEUs
  • National Court Reporters Association Sponsored Speed Contest - (qualify & participate) .20 CEUs

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(c) CEU Sponsors and Programs

(1) Sponsor, as used in this Section, shall mean the following:

(A)* The Texas Court Reporters Association, National Court Reporters Association or any other court reporters association whose course or program has been approved for CEUs by the Court Reporters Certification Board;

(B) The Texas Court Reporters Association or any court reporters association whose course or program has been approved for CEUs by the Court Reporters Certification Board;

(C) Any computer users group whose program or course has been approved for CEUs by the Board;

(D) A city, county, state or federal judicial body responsible for coordination and presentation of CEU courses or programs for its employees whose courses or programs have been approved by the Board;

(E) A university or college course or adult education program approved by the Board that contributes directly to the Certified Shorthand Reporter's knowledge, ability or competence to perform his/her duties; and

(F) Any other school, college or university, state agency, or any other person, firm or association that has been approved and authorized by the Court Reporters Certification Board to coordinate and present CEU courses and programs in conjunction with this section.

(A)* See 'Terminology' page for definitions of "Approved by" and "Sponsored by"

(2) Entities seeking approval as CEU sponsors (i.e., third-party sponsors) or applicants seeking CEUs, shall file an application on the forms provided by the Board and include the fee as outlined in this section under subsection 13 and 14. Along with the application the sponsor shall submit a list of proposed programs including the description, location, date and time of the programs. The sponsor shall certify on the application the following:

(A) That all programs offered by the sponsor for CEUs will comply with the criteria in subsection (c)(3) below and all other criteria in this section;

(B) That the sponsor will be responsible for verifying attendance at each program and provide a certificate of attendance as set forth in subsection (c)(9) below;

(C) That the sponsor (excluding the National Court Reporters Association) shall furnish to the Board a list of participants specifying the provider, title, date, and location of program; number of CEUs; and provide grades, if applicable. The list of participants forwarded to the Board by the sponsor shall be in alphabetical order by last name and include each participant's certified shorthand reporter (CSR) number.

(D) That upon request by the Board, the sponsor will submit evidence as is necessary to establish compliance with this section. Evidence may include course materials such as target audience, program planning, materials, content, objectives, outline of instructor qualifications, teaching methods and materials, evaluation tools and summary, a list of participants and original participant written evaluations. Evidence shall be required when the Board has reason to believe that there is not full compliance with this requirement and that the information is necessary to ensure compliance.

(3) All programs shall:

(A) Contribute to the advancement, extension and enhancement of the professional skills and knowledge of the individual registrant in the practice of shorthand reporting;

(B) Include one or more of the following subjects directly related to the shorthand reporter's ability to produce accurate and timely transcripts;

(i) English, including grammar, punctuation, general principles, spelling, vocabulary, etymology, usage, semantics, regional and minority dialects or colloquialisms, English history, transcript styles;

(ii) Medical, including Greek and Latin derivatives, homonyms, abbreviations, surgical procedures, pharmacy, anatomy and physiology, specialized medical fields, (e.g., neurology, dentistry, radiology, gastroenterology), with emphasis on terminology and techniques or concepts likely to be encountered during litigation;

(iii) Legal, including terminology, research techniques, presentations on the various subdivisions of law (e.g., criminal torts, domestic relations, corporate, admiralty, patent, environmental) and procedural law (e.g., depositions, trials, administrative proceedings) presentations by legal specialists or experts in the field, history of the American/world legal system;

(iv) Technical subjects presented by experts with emphasis on terminology and concepts encountered by the shorthand reporter during litigation (e.g., accident reconstruction, chemistry, construction, geology, insurance, maritime, aerospace, products liability, industrial and environmental pollution);

(v) Technology related to new developments in the field of reporting (e.g., computer technology, computer techniques, video, telecommunications, equipment maintenance);

(vi) General litigation procedures as they relate to court, deposition and administrative proceedings (e.g., reporting depositions, court hearings, arbitrations, conventions and the court reporter's responsibility with regard to these proceedings, marking exhibits, reading back, going on and off the record, review of statutes, rules related to the reporter);

(vii) Transcript preparation, including indexing of witnesses, exhibits, formats, dictating, editing and scoping, reference libraries and research techniques, proofreading; and

(viii) Public relations, management, including financial and personnel, equipment maintenance, office procedures, record keeping, personal tax management, planning for retirement or changing careers within reporting, maintaining individual reporter's health and emotional adjustment, time and stress management;

(C) Be relevant to the needs of shorthand reporters and also to the reporting service needs of the users;

(D) Be developed and presented by persons with education and/or experience in the subject matter of the program;

(E) Specify for whom the program is primarily designed, the course objectives, course content and teaching methods to be used; and

(F) Suggest, subject to Board approval, the number of CEUs that may be applied to fulfilling the Texas CEU requirements for renewal of the certification of a certified shorthand reporter.

(4) Each CEU program shall provide a mechanism for evaluation of the program by the participants. The evaluation may be completed on-site immediately following the program or an evaluation questionnaire may be distributed to participants to be completed and returned by mail. The sponsor and the instructor, together, shall review the evaluation outcome and revise subsequent programs accordingly.

(5) An approved sponsor may subcontract with individuals and organizations to provide approved programs.

(6) Continuing education units may be awarded for home-study courses and correspondence courses, excluding reading books and/or reading articles, provided they are courses approved by the Board.

(7) Certificate of Attendance. It shall be the responsibility of a sponsor to provide each participant in a program with a certificate of attendance or participation. The sponsor's certificate of attendance shall contain: 

(A) The name, address and CEU program number of the sponsor;

(B) The name, address and CSR number of the participant;

(C) A brief statement of the subject matter

(D) The number of hours attended and/or CEUs earned in each program;

(E) The date and place of the program; and

(F) The signature of the sponsor.

(8) The sponsor shall maintain attendance records for not less than 5 years.

(9) The sponsor shall be responsible for assuring that no renewal applicant shall receive CEUs for time not actually spent attending the program.

(10) The sponsor will not print or post approval of CEU credit by the Board until approval is received from the Board Office. The sponsor may print or post the CEU credit applied for with the CRCB as long as it is noted that said credit is pending approval by the Board.

(11) Upon the failure of a sponsor to comply with any of the foregoing requirements, the Board, after notice to the sponsor, may refuse to accept CEUs for attendance at or participation in any of that sponsor's CEU programs until such time as the Board receives assurances of compliance of this section.

(12) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the Board may evaluate any sponsor of any approved CEU program at any time to ensure compliance with requirements of this section.

(13) Fees for sponsor approval:

(A) Base fee of $75 for Non-profit Associations and Reporter Groups (excluding the National Court Reporters Association), $150 for Vendors and For-Profit Organizations / Sponsors.

(B) In addition to the base fee, other costs shall include late fees ($10 per day) for applications submitted less than 45 days in advance but not to exceed $450 total. Applications submitted after the date of the seminar shall be assessed the maximum fee of $450.

(C) Once approved, sponsors are entitled to the following program materials:

(i) CRCB Approval Notification

(ii) Listing of your upcoming program on Board website

(14) Fees for applications for approval of CEUs:

(A) The Board shall assess a base fee of $25 for approval of CEUs that complies with the CEU sponsor and program guidelines set out in Section 3, which has not been pre-approved by the Board, if the applicant submits more than one course approval application at the same time. The Board shall assess a fee of $25 per course approval application if the applicant submits their course approval applications separately. Additionally, the Board shall assess a $25 delinquent fee for course approval applications submitted after September 30th of the year of expiration of the applicant's certification. The penalty fee shall be based on the original fee structure (i.e., applications submitted at one time and/or applications submitted separately).

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(d) Activities Not Qualifying for CEU

(1) Certain activities that shall not be considered acceptable for continuing education units include, but shall not be limited to, the following:

(A) Attendance or participation at professional or association business meetings, conferences, general sessions, elections, policymaking sessions or program orientation;

(B) Serving on committees or councils or as officers in a professional organization;

(C) Entertainment and recreation;

(D) Tours, visiting exhibits;

(E) Any function for which the registrant receives remuneration as part of his/her regular employment;

(F) In-house training on office equipment;

(G) Courses with a main thrust of teaching nonverbal skills (e.g., golf, tennis, dancing, basket-weaving, CPR/First Aid Courses, floral design, etc.).

(H) Any activity completed before the first renewal period for which the renewal applicant is required to obtain CEUs; and

(I) Education required by the Board as part of a disciplinary action.

(J) Reading books, articles or submitting book reviews, article reviews or tests (including those books and accompanying tests which are part of the approved reading list of the National Court Reporters Association).

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(e) Certification of Compliance with CEU Requirements

Each renewal applicant shall certify, on the renewal application, full compliance with the CEU requirements set forth in subsections (a) and (b) above accompanied by the fees as set out above in Sections 14.

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(f) Compliance Verification

(1) If there appears to be a lack of compliance, the Board may request additional information from applicants to verify compliance with the continuing education requirements.

(2) Within 30 days following notification of lack of compliance, the applicant shall submit evidence (e.g., certificate of attendance or other approved documentation) to verify compliance with continuing education requirements. It is the responsibility of each renewal applicant to retain or otherwise produce evidence of compliance. These records verifying CE compliance shall be maintained by the renewal applicant for a minimum of two consecutive renewal periods or four years.

(3) The Board shall notify the licensee of the results of the compliance verification and the change of the licensee's status to inactive for individuals determined to be non-compliant.

(4) Failure to notify the Board of a current mailing address will not absolve the licensee from the verification audit process.

(5) CE compliance verification shall be automatic for a renewal applicant who has been found non-compliant in an immediately preceding renewal period.

(6) Compliance verification may be requested from the Board-established Peer Review Committee appointed by the Board Chair. The Committee may request additional information from applicants to verify compliance with the CE requirements as a part of a random computer-generated screen conducted by the Committee. The applicant shall submit the evidence requested to the Board Office within 30 days from the date of the request. Failure to timely comply with the Committee or Board request pertaining to verification of CE Compliance may result in noncompliance with the CE requirements and applicants are subject to nonrenewal and/or further action by the Board as set out above in Section 3.

(7)Exceptions to item six (6) above include, but are not limited to:

  • - Courses/seminars sponsored by NCRA,
  • - Applicants found non-compliant in an immediately preceding renewal period, and
  • - Applicants who are specifically requested by the Board to submit documentation.

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(g) Appeals

(1) Any individual who wishes to appeal a determination of non-compliance with continuing education requirements shall submit a letter of appeal within 15 days of notification of the compliance verification results or request a hearing before the Board as specified in Rule VII. of the Standards and Rules for Certification of Certified Shorthand Reporters.

(a) If an approval application/request is denied, the applicant shall have no more than 15 days from the date of notification to submit a written request for either reconsideration or a hearing by the Board. If a reconsideration is requested, the application shall be presented to the Board. If the reconsideration is denied, the applicant then has no more than 15 days to submit a written request for a hearing by the Board, for which the applicant would be present. If the reconsideration and hearing results determine denial, the applicant shall complete the required CEUs in order to renew their license. The Board shall establish a deadline date for the applicant to complete the required CEUs. The deadline date established by the Board may or may not be the same as the applicant's original expiration date.

(2) The status of an individual who appeals a determination of non-compliance shall be deemed in good standing until a final decision is made by the Board.

(3) The decision of the Board after the appeal shall be considered final and binding.

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(h) Disciplinary Action for Non-Compliance

(1) Failure to maintain required records, falsifying records, or intentionally misrepresenting programs for continuing education may provide grounds for disciplinary action in accordance with Texas Government Code, Sec. 52.027.

(2) Licensees found non-compliant after the certification expiration date may be referred to the Board for possible disciplinary action.

(3) The Board may revoke or suspend a certification or issue a reprimand after notice and opportunity for a hearing.

(4) The notice shall be mailed to the registered address of the shorthand reporter not later than the 30th day before the date the hearing is scheduled.

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(i) CE Earned in Other Jurisdictions

If an applicant has earned CEUs offered in another state or territory for which the applicant will be claiming credit toward full compliance in Texas, the applicant shall submit an individual program approval request form prior to September 30th of the year of expiration of the certification. The Board shall review and recommend approval or disapproval of the program using the criteria set forth in subsection (c)(3) of this Section. Applicants may also seek individual program approval prior to the participation in the program as set forth in subsection (c)(2) of this section.

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(j) Delinquent Renewals

If a renewal applicant allows his or her certification to expire on January 1, the Board may renew a delinquent certification, at 1-1/2 times the normally required renewal fee if a person's certification has been expired for 90 days or less, and at 2 times the normally required renewal fee if a person's certification has been expired for more than 90 days but less than one year. The applicant must show proof of completion of one (1.0) CEU. This applies whether the renewal applicant has been delinquent for one day or longer. The CE activity for delinquent renewals must be earned during the 24 months preceding December 31 of each renewal year and/or within less than one year after the expiration date of the renewal applicant's certification if renewing a delinquent certification. Continuing education acquired by a delinquent renewal applicant after the December 31st expiration date may not be used to satisfy the continuing education requirement for the applicant's subsequent renewal period. Delinquent applicants shall pay the renewal fee and penalty fee. (Per section 52.026 of Chapter 52, Vernon's Codes.)

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(k) Filing Timeliness

For the purpose of determining whether a renewal application form is timely filed, the renewal form shall be deemed submitted when actually delivered at the office of the Board or when postmarked as having been mailed prior to midnight on the expiration date.

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(l) Reinstatement of Non-renewed or Inactive Certifications

The Board may renew a nonrenewed or inactive certification (except as set out in Section (A) (v) below) that has been expired for less than one year upon satisfactory evidence of compliance with the CE requirements, to be determined by the Board, and conditional upon the applicant successfully fulfilling the requirements under Texas Government Code, Sec. 52.026.

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(m) Waiver of CE Requirements

(1) Any renewal applicant seeking renewal of a certification as a certified shorthand reporter without having fully complied with these CE requirements shall file with the Board a renewal application form along with the required fee set forth in Rule VI.C. of the Standards and Rules for Certification of Certified Shorthand Reporters as promulgated by the Texas Supreme Court, a notarized statement setting forth the facts concerning non-compliance and request a waiver of the CE requirements on the basis of these facts. A request for waiver shall be submitted between January 1st and September 30th of the year the CSR license expires. Waivers will not be accepted prior to or after above dates. If the Board, upon the recommendation of the Continuing Education (CE) Committee or its designee, finds from such affidavit or any other evidence submitted that extreme hardship has been shown for granting a waiver, the Board shall waive enforcement of CE requirements for the renewal period for which the applicant has applied.

(A) Extreme hardship shall be determined on an individual basis by the Board and be defined as an inability to devote sufficient hours to fulfilling the CE requirements during the applicable renewal period because of:

(i) Full-time service in the armed forces of the United States during a substantial part of the renewal period;

(ii) An incapacitating illness documented by a statement from a currently licensed physician;

(iii) A physical inability to travel to the sites of approved programs documented by a statement from a currently licensed physician; or

(iv) Being retired from shorthand practice and not performing any reporting services. A renewal applicant on a leave of absence from shorthand reporting is not eligible for a waiver under the retired status.

(2) For CSRs who wish to retire from court reporting, but maintain their license, the requirements to maintain their licenses shall be the same as those for reporters actively reporting i.e., CE compliance, renewal fees, etc. CSRs who wish to retire from court reporting and do not wish to maintain their license, shall submit written notification to the Board office of their intent to retire and their desire to have their status reflect said change from active to inactive. The Board office cannot accept post-date changes. (i.e., to be effective next month, next week, etc.)

(3) Any renewal applicant who submits, between January 1st and September 30th of the year the CSR license expires, a request for a waiver, in whole or in part, pursuant to the provisions of this section, shall be deemed in good standing until the final decision on the application is made by the Board.

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(n) CE Waiver Appeals

(1) If a waiver request is denied, the applicant shall have no more than 30 days from the date of notification to submit a written request for either reconsideration or a hearing by the Board. If a reconsideration is requested, the application shall be presented to the Board. If the reconsideration is denied, the applicant has no more than 30 days to submit a written request for a hearing by the Board, for which the applicant would be present. If the reconsideration and hearing results determine denial, the applicant shall complete the required CEUs in order to renew their license. The Board shall establish a deadline date for the applicant to complete the required CEUs. The deadline date established by the Board may or may not be the same as the applicant's original expiration date. The applicant's status shall remain in good standing during this process.

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(o) Online Renewals

Refer to CRCB website at

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Updated: 22-Dec-2006