Texas Health and Human Services System


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About the Texas Health and Human Services System

The mission of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission is to provide the leadership and direction and foster the spirit of innovation needed to achieve an efficient and effective health and human services system for Texans.

Currently, the state's health and human services agencies spend nearly $25 billion per year to administer more than 200 programs, employ 48,000 state workers, and operate from more than 1,300 locations across the state.

In 2003, the Texas Legislature mandated an unprecedented transformation of the state's health and human services system to create an integrated, effective and accessible health and human services enterprise that protects public health and brings high-quality services and support to Texans in need. The transformation blended 12 agencies into five to create a system that is client-centered, efficient in its use of public resources, and focused on results and accountability.

The Texas health and human services system includes five agencies, which operate under the oversight of the Health and Human Services Commission. This consolidated organizational structure is enhancing delivery of services, improving efficiency and generating cost savings for Texas.

The five health and human services agencies are:

Last Updated: September 26, 2007

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