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Lender Manifest Reporting Requirements for Lenders

The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) requires that guarantors report loan data each month. This data is maintained in a database, which schools use to certify new loan eligibility. In order for TG to report accurate information to NSLDS, data must be collected from TG's lender partners each month. The reporting process/vehicle for this information is the NSLDS Lender Manifest. While the Lender Manifest is an industry standard, guarantors may have different requirements for some of the data included in the manifest. You can download a set of reporting instructions for the Lender Manifest, or order a hardcopy of the manual.

  • Download reporting instructions for the Lender Manifest (contains TG's reporting requirements, PDF download) by clicking first link to the right. The standard file format, data requirements, edits, and values are included in these instructions.
  • Order a hardcopy of instructions by clicking the last link on right.

Lender Manifest PC product
If you are unable to create a Lender Manifest file, TG offers software that you can download and install on your PC that will enable you to create a manifest for transmission to TG. The Lender Manifest PC product enables you to enter or modify loan data and to create a Lender Manifest file in order to meet your mandatory reporting requirements.

The NSLDS Lender Manifest (LM) PC-based program has been revised to report the new Grad PLUS loan type and any military deferment prescribed by the Higher Education Reconciliation Act. This product is DOS-based and has the same hardware/operating system requirements as prior versions of the product.

Full installation for Lender Manifest PC product (for Higher Education Reconciliation Act of 2006)
If you do not currently use the LM PC product to create your Lender Manifest file, you will want to install the full version 3.0. Installing the full version will include all the files needed to create, update, and export your Lender Manifest file for submission including the new Grad PLUS loans and any military operations deferments.

  • Install a full version of the new LM PC product, version 3.0, by clicking the installation link to the right. Use this link to download a zip file of all LM PC files. After downloading, unzip the file to a directory on your network or PC, and then copy the files to the directory in which you keep all LM PC files. Open the LMTIPS.TXT file to learn more about navigating through LM PC.
  • Order the full install on CD or diskette using the order link to the right.

Patch for Lender Manifest PC product (for Higher Education Reconciliation Act of 2006)
If you currently use the LM PC product to create your Lender Manifest file, you will want to install the patch for version 3.0. Installing the patch allows you to add new Grad PLUS loans to your database and to report the new military operations deferment. Your current data should not be affected by the patch. Be sure to back up your data prior to installing the patch.

  • Install a patch for the LM PC (for version 3.0) by clicking the installation link to the right. Use this link to download a zip file of all patch files for LM PC. After downloading, unzip the file to a directory on your network or PC, and then copy the files to the directory in which you keep all LM PC files. Open the LMTIPS.TXT file to learn more about navigating through LM PC.
  • Order a patch on CD or diskette for the LM PC (for version 3.0) by clicking the ordering link to the right.

For help
For more information, please e-mail good.data@tgslc.org with your request, or call the Data Reporting Team at (800) 801-8416.

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