OCA: Self-Represented Litigants Forum

Self-Represented Litigants Forum

Office of Court Administration

The OCA is part of a work group with the Special Projects Committee of the Access to Justice Commission on the issue of self-represented litigants in Texas courts. We are organizing a forum on these topics for court system actors - judges, clerks, attorneys, court managers, law librarians, etc. - for April 8-9, 2010, in Dallas.

If you are interested in received updates on this forum, please email your contact information to TexasCourtForum@gmail.com.

The workgroup also recommends these approaches to assist "SRLs":

  1. Creation of state-level information resources such as:

    • Standard forms and pleadings with easy to follow instructions;
    • General information about the procedural and substantive requirements for filing and pursuing or defending a claim for posting on TexasLawHelp.org; and
    • Web-based assistance that provides online document assembly based on responses of the potential litigant.
  2. Creation or increased utilization of local and courthouse information access points, utilizing existing county law libraries to the greatest extent possible, through which self-represented litigants may receive guidance:

    • In-courthouse help desks that offer one-on-one help regarding both procedural and substantive questions, including how to fill out forms and prepare pleadings;
    • Clinics where information is provided without any interaction with the participants beyond general questions and answers;
    • Clinics using volunteer attorneys where individuals receive general information and then are assisted with specific guidance based on their circumstance;
    • Individual interview and counseling sessions in person or remotely by telephone or online chat.
    • Automated or staffed telephone system to provide general court information (including directions to the courthouse and hours of operation) and information on available legal assistance.
    • Bilingual signage around the courthouse to direct litigants to information access points and to provide orientation to the court buildings.
    • “Self-help centers” dedicated to providing information regarding court procedures and legal forms that is often located near civil courts.
    • Web videos developed by legal aid providers, local bar associations, and law schools to provide an overview of court processes and procedures that could be viewed by the public in self-help centers or law libraries. The videos could be very general in nature, or with the cooperation of local courts, contain more specific information for particular jurisdictions.

Updated: 15-Sep-2009

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