Developed and maintained by DSHS Center for Health Statistics (CHS).
Visit the CHS website at http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/chs

Texas Health Data  allows the user to customize statistical reports by querying vital records and other health related databases.

Texas Health Data was adapted by the State of Texas from an application developed by the Missouri Department of Health . The graphics were developed using gd by Thomas Boutell and the database using the GNU database GDBM.
This program cannot be copied in any form without the written permission of the Missouri Department of Health and the Texas Department of State Health Services.

Birth Defects (updated values for all years)
1999 - 2004
Output tables:
Frequencies and rates for selected birth defects. 
Grouping variables:
County, region and state, age of mother, race/ethnicity of mother, gender. (Amount of detail depends on area)

1990 - 2004
Output tables and maps:
Frequencies and rates for birth outcomes and risk factors. 
Grouping variables:
Age, race/ethnicity, marital status, county of residence

1990 - 1998 (ICD-9) 
1999 - 2006 (ICD-10)
Output tables and maps: 
Frequencies and population-based rates
Grouping variables
Cause of death, age, race/ethnicity, gender, county of residence

1990 - 1999 (Estimates)
2000 - Census counts
2001 - 2007 Estimates
2008 - 2020 (Projections)
Output tables: 
Counts and percentages
Grouping variables
Age, race/ethnicity, gender, county of residence

Trauma Data


2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
Output tables:
Injury frequencies
Grouping Variables:
Type of Injury, agegroup, gender, county or trauma service area

Downloads.   You can choose to download the output table. The resulting file will be a comma separated file that can be easily imported into a spreadsheet. If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer, the table can be copied and pasted directly into an Excel spreadsheet.
Sparse Data.   When the number of events is less than 20, rates are not considered reliable and may not be provided for some data sets. Consider requesting more years of data, or a less detailed breakdown of parameters.
Confidentiality   In circumstances where individual information could be revealed, the inner cells of a table may be suppressed.
Feedback Requested!
Please send your comments on any aspect of this application to feedback.opp@dshs.state.tx.us .  We welcome all input.

Last Updated August 31, 2009