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Uniform Commerical Code

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Online Searching and Filing

About the Uniform Commercial Code Section

The Uniform Commercial Code Section’s main objective is to review all documents for statutory compliance, then accept or reject the documents as soon as possible.  All accepted documents are processed in a timely manner, recorded, filed, and made available to the public upon request.

The Uniform Commercial Code Section (UCC) is the central filing office for certain financing statements and other documents provided for under the Uniform Commercial Code since 1966.  Documents filed in the central filing office relate to the following:

Fraudulent Filers
Effective September 1, 2005, under Section 405.022 of the Texas Government Code, the Office of the Secretary of State is requesting the assistance of the Attorney General to determine whether a document is fraudulent prior to filing. The Attorney General's office will determine if legal action should be taken against fraudulent filers.