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Railroad Commission of Texas Rules

NEW! RRC Rules Email Service- You can now join the RRC Rules Email Service to receive email notifications of the RRC's rulemaking actions. The list is free; just provide an email address. For questions or comments, please contact us.

Current Rules (Rules in effect at this time; the list will be updated one week after the effective date of any adoption.)

Emergency Rules (New rules or amendments adopted on an emergency basis; an emergency rule may or may not be accompanied by a regular rulemaking proposal. Any regular rulemaking proposal will be posted on the Proposed Rules table.)

Proposed Rules (Proposals to change, add, or delete rules; these proposals have been published in the Texas Register but have not been adopted.)

Draft Proposed Rules for Informal Comment (Working drafts of proposals to change, add, or delete rules; the Commission is seeking comment prior to finalizing the proposal and publishing it in the Texas Register.)

Online Comment Form (An option to submit comments for specific proposed rules.)