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Copyright Statement

The contents of all material available on this internet Web site are copyrighted by the The State Classification Office, within the State Auditor's Office (SAO), unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise noted on an individual document, file, home page, or the like, the SAO grants permission to copy and distribute the files, documents, and information, provided that they are copied and distributed without alteration and in the format provided. Consult the copyright holders of non-SAO material concerning its use.


The The State Classification Office, within the State Auditor's Office (SAO), makes no representations, guarantees, or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness, currency, or suitability of the information provided via this Web site. The SAO specifically disclaims any and all liability for any claims or damages that may result from the Web site or the information it contains, including any Web sites maintained by third parties and linked to the Web site. The responsibility for content rests with the organizations that are providing the information. The inclusion of links from this site does not imply endorsement by the SAO.

The mentioning of brand names is strictly for informational purposes and does not imply endorsement or advertisement of a particular product by the SAO or the State Classification Office.

All human resources information presented on this Website is intended to be a non-technical resource for informational purposes only. The information should not be considered as a substitute for legal advice from an organization's legal counsel. Decisions concerning the proper interpretation and implementation of statutes are within the discretion of the employing agency, in consultation with its legal counsel, though, in certain circumstances, the SAO is authorized to provide a uniform interpretation of specific subchapters in Chapter 661 of the Texas Government Code.

Privacy and Security Policy

The State Classification Office, within the State Auditor's Office (SAO), maintains this Web site as a public service. The following is the privacy policy for this site (all pages starting with

  1. Email and Mailing List Information
    • IMPORTANT NOTE: All information collected or maintained by the State Classification Office Web Site, including personal information such as addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses; may be public information subject to the provisions of the Texas Public Information Act (www) (Chapter 552, Texas Government Code). By subscribing to mailing lists you consent to the release of that information, including the release of email addresses. In addition, contact information provided in the context of a question or comment may be redirected to another government agency or person who is better able to address it.

    • Our site provides users the opportunity to subscribe to and unsubscribe from informational mailing lists at We do request information about our visitors when they utilize our mailing list form to determine which email addresses are added to or removed from our lists. Site users are free to unsubscribe at will using this form should they opt not to receive future communications from us. Please remember that any information that is disclosed in these areas becomes public information, including personal information such as addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. You should exercise caution when deciding to disclose your personal information.

    • Users may verify and modify information previously provided; to do so, call (512) 936-9500.

  2. Cookies
    • A "cookie" is a small file containing information that is placed on a user's computer by a web server. Typically, these files are used to enhance the user's experience of the site, to help users move between pages in a database, or to customize information for a user.

    • Any information that State Auditor's Office web servers may store in cookies is used for internal purposes only. Cookie data is not used in any way that would disclose personally identifiable information to outside parties unless State Auditor's Office is legally required to do so in connection with Public Information Act requests, law enforcement investigations, or other legal proceedings.

  3. Logs and Network Monitoring
    • The State Auditor's Office maintains log files of all access to its site and also monitors network traffic for the purposes of site management. This information is used to help diagnose problems with the server and to carry out other administrative tasks. Log analysis tools are also used to create summary statistics to determine which information is of most interest to users, to identify system problem areas, or to help determine technical requirements.

    • Information such as the following is collected in these files:
      1. Hostname : the hostname and/or IP address of the computer requesting access to the site
      2. User-Agent : the type of browser, its version, and the operating system of the computer requesting access (e.g., Netscape 4 for Windows, IE 4 for Macintosh, etc.)
      3. Referrer : the web page the user came from
      4. System date : the date and time on the server at the time of access
      5. Status : the status code the server returned, e.g., fulfilled request, file not found
      6. Method : the request method used by the browser (e.g., post, get)
      7. Universal Resource Identifier (URI) : the location of the particular resource requested. (More commonly known as a URL.)
      8. Query string of the URI : anything after a question mark in a URI. For example, if a keyword search has been requested, the search word will appear in the query string.
      9. Bytes Sent/Received - The number of bytes sent/received by the user.
      10. Time Taken - The length of time the action took.

      The above information is not used in any way that would reveal personally identifying information to outside parties unless State Auditor's Office is legally required to do so in connection with Public Information Act requests, law enforcement investigations, or other legal proceedings.

  4. Links
    • This site may contain links to other sites. State Auditor's Office is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites.

  5. Security
    • This site has security measures in place to protect from loss, misuse and alteration of the information. The maximum encryption available (128 bit) is utilized on our secure server. No system, however, can be guaranteed to be completely safe.

  6.   Contacting the State Auditor's Office
    • If you have any questions about this privacy statement or Web site, you can contact

      Texas State Auditor's Office
      State Classification Office
      P.O. Box 12067
      Austin, TX 78711

Public Information Act Policy

The Public Information Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 552, provides public access to government records. Although government information is presumed to be available to the public, certain exceptions may apply to the disclosure of the information. Follow this link for more detailed information on the Public Information Act (www).

Follow this link for the Public Information Act Poster (.doc).

You may send a request for information to: Office of General Counsel, State Auditor's Office

  • By mail to: P.O. Box 12067, Austin, TX 78711-2067
  • By email to:
  • By fax to: 512-936-9400
  • In person at: 1501 N. Congress Avenue, Suite 4.224, Austin, Texas

If you need special accommodation pursuant to the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), please contact our ADA coordinator, Barry Holcomb, by phone at 512-936-9500 or via our email form.