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The Procurement Division procures goods and services for use by the Texas Facilities Commission, which could include anything from office supplies to new construction of state office property.  Additionally, as mandated by HB3042, the Procurement Division procures goods and services for other agencies in regards to building maintenance and infrastructure, including custodial and security services, HVAC repair, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing services, and professional services such as architect and engineering services. The Procurement Division uses all methods of procurement, from Term Contracts to TXMAS to complex solicitations.

Click here to go to a list of Bid Tabulations for recent TFC Solicitations.

Click here to search the Centralized Master Bidders List (CMBL)

Click here to search the Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD)

The Procurement Division also manages the Texas Facilities Commission’s Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Program. This program performs outreach activities throughout the year, including bid opportunity and training forums, as well as certifies and validates all HSP’s (HUB Subcontracting Plan’s) submitted to TFC.

TFC's HUB utilization numbers for the past seven years: 

TFC HUB Expenditures FY2008

If you are interested in applying for HUB status or need more information regarding the HUB Subcontracting Plan, please visit the HUB Program's website to access to the HUB Forms Library.

The Exhibit A, HUB Subcontracting Plan, is required for solicitations over $100,000.00.  For instructions on how to accurately complete the HUB Subcontracting Plan, please click on this link to access an instructional audio/visual tutorial.

The Procurement Division also administers the Lotus-Notes procurement database, as well as the agency Payment Card Program.

Procurement Staff Contacts:

Richard Ehlert, CTPM
    Procurement Manager
    HUB Coordinator

(512) 463-0209
 John Goodrich
    Purchaser V, Major Construction
(512) 463-2743

Myra Beer, CTPM
    Purchaser V, Major Construction

(512) 463-5773
Sandy Williams, CTPM
    Purchaser IV, Leasing
(512) 475-0453
Colin Gresham
    Purchaser V, Minor Construction
(512) 936-0647
Rico Gamino
    Purchaser II
(512) 936-3567
Sarah Evans, CTPM
    Program Specialist V   
    HUB Administrator
(512) 463-1785
Megan Sorley
    Program Specialist
    Payment Card Administrator
    Procurement Database Administrator
(512) 463-3544
Fax(512) 236-6164