Emergency Management Conducts Advanced Training for Activation

On September 24, 2009, the Galveston County Office of Emergency Management conducted and participated in a training exercise developed to provide hands-on experience in resource management and tracking.  During an actual activation, one function of the Office of Emergency Management is to assist in providing much needed resources to jurisdictions and agencies affected by the event.  Participants utilized WebEOC, which is a web-based crisis information management system that provides real time information for Emergency Management staff, to request resources for a mock scenario in real time.  Over 75 requests were generated and processed by more than 50 participants working from six different locations utilizing the Internet, fax, phone and 800 MHz radios.  The ability to acquire needed resources is critical in an actual disaster event.  Galveston County is committed to continued education and training in order to perform their tasks more efficiently in an actual emergency.  

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Galveston County Hosts Recovery Update on Bolivar Peninsula

Galveston County will host a public meeting Tuesday, September 29th on Bolivar Peninsula to update citizens on various Hurricane Ike receovery programs and to answer questions and concerns. 

"It has been more than a year since Hurricane Ike dealt a severe blow to Galveston County, especially the peninsula," said County Commissioner Pat Doyle.  "We have made tremendous strides since then but still have a lot of work to do."

Doyle said the meeting will give citizens an opportunity to obtain the latest information on many recovery topics, including the CDBG housing program, CDBG infrastructure repairs, the "Bolivar Blueprint" long-term receovery project, beach issues, permits, road repairs, and much more. 

The meeting will be conducated at Crenshaw Elementary School from 6-8 PM and citizens are invited and encouraged to attend.

As with previous Bolivar Peninsula meetings, citizens will have an opportunity to meet one-on-one with county, state and federal officials after the general topics are covered.

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Boy Scouts Earn Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge
Galveston County Office of Emergency Management knows the importance of a community that is prepared for emergencies.  Recently, GCOEM teamed up with the Boy Scouts from Troop 609 for an evening of emergency management fun and learning.   The Boy Scouts motto is “Be Prepared” and that’s a large part of emergency management.  These Scouts are working on their Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge and asked to visit with emergency management staff to learn about emergency management and how they can help their families become better prepared.

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New Technology Assists With Evacuee Tracking
Recently the Galveston County Office of Emergency Management hosted a training exercise to learn about the new Special Needs Evacuation Tracking System or SNETS. This system employs a combination of RFID, GPS and bar-code technology, and was designed to simplify and automate the evacuation process of elderly, sick, disabled or able-bodied individuals who have no access to transportation during an emergency. SNETS was deployed to help the Governor’s Division of Emergency Management (GDEM) evacuate over 34,000 residents during Hurricanes Gustav and Ike.

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