Search for Reports: Consolidated Health and Human Services Agencies and Non-current Agencies

Consolidated Health and Human Services Agencies

All reports for health and human services agencies that were consolidated under House Bill 2292 (78th Legislature, Regular Session) can be found by querying by the current agency in the Select Agency dropdown list on the Search Reports page:

To find reports for: Select this current agency in the Select Agency dropdown list:
Aging, Department on
Human Services, Department of
Mental Retardation
Aging and Disability Services, Department of
Mental Health
Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Commission on
Health, Department of
Health Care Information Council
Health Services, Department of State
Protective and Regulatory Services, Department of Family and Protective Services, Department of
Early Childhood Intervention, Interagency Council on
Blind, Commission for the
Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Commission for the
Rehabilitation Commission
Assistive and Rehabilitative Services, Department of

Non-current Agencies

In the Select Agency dropdown list on the Search Reports page, current agencies are grouped first, and non-current agencies are grouped second.