Obtain the latest committee meeting notices, committee membership, member address information, and bill status information on your wireless PDA or cell phone.

BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, and iPhone Browser Access Instructions (devices with advanced browser support)

You can access a mobile version of TLO through the Texas Legislative Council's portal site on a BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, or iPhone device. From the mobile device browser, enter www.txlegis.com. In order to receive the best viewing capability on a BlackBerry, perform the following configuration steps:
  1. Go to the www.txlegis.com site on the BlackBerry.
  2. Display the BlackBerry's menu and select Options. The Browser Options screen displays.
  3. Select Browser Configuration. The Browser Configuration screen displays.
  4. Enable (check) the following check boxes:
    • Select the Support JavaScript check box.
    • Select the Support Style Sheets check box.
  5. Display the BlackBerry's menu and select Save Options.

PDA or WAP-enabled Browser Access Instructions (devices with limited browser support)

1. Start the device's web browser.
2. Go to the address: http://www.legis.state.tx.us/tlotogo/home.aspx.

Note: While we offer this as a free service, your wireless provider may charge a fee based on the amount of data transferred.