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Usage Committee logo

Usage Committee Membership:

» Julie Allinson
» Thomas Baker
» Kai Eckert
» Pete Johnston
» Akira Miyazawa
» Stefanie Rühle
» Stuart Sutton (ex-officio)
» Joe Tennis

DCMI logo Officers of the Committee

Portrait: Tom Baker Tom Baker, Co-Chair

Chief Information Officer (Communications, Research and Development), DCMI

Thomas Baker, a member of DCMI administrative committees since 1998, served from May 2005 to January 2009 as the DCMI Director Specifications and Documentation and currently serves as the Chief Information Officer of DCMI Ltd. He is the chair of the DCMI Usage Committee, which he founded in 2001, and co-chair of the DCMI Architecture Forum. He co-chaired the Semantic Web Deployment Working Group of the World-Wide Web Consortium (W3C) from 2006 to 2009 the W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group from 2010 to 2011.

Portrait: Kai Eckert Kai Eckert, Co-Chair

Postdoctoral Researcher, Research Group Data and Web Science, University of Mannheim

Kai Eckert currently serves as a Postdoctoral Researcher with the Research Group Data and Web Science at University of Mannheim. The Research Group conducts research on methods for managing, integrating and mining large-amounts of heterogeneous information within enterprise and open Web contexts. Most recently, he served as Co-Chair of DCMI's Metadata Provenance Task Group.

NOTE: The charge of the Usage Committee is currently under revision.

DCMI logo Usage Committee Charter

The mission of the Usage Committee is to ensure an orderly evolution of the metadata terms maintained by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative. The Usage Committee evaluates proposals for new terms (or changes to existing terms) in light of grammatical principle, semantic clarity, usefulness, and overlap with existing terms. To proposals that are accepted, it assigns a specific status. The Usage Committee also evaluates constructs that use DCMI terms, such as Application Profiles.

DCMI logo Committee Communications

DCMI logo Policies

DCMI logo Work Items


DCMI logo Recommendations

The recommendations listed below are semantic or technical specifications that have been approved through DCMI's formal approval process. These specifications are stable and are supported for adoption by the Dublin Core community.

Semantic Recommendations

Other Recommendations

DCMI logo Proposed Recommendations

Proposed Recommendations are technical specifications that are in the process of being approved through DCMI's formal approval process. These specifications are close to stable and enjoy growing support for adoption by the Dublin Core community.

DCMI logo Working Drafts

Working Drafts are documents under development. After completion, Working Drafts are submitted to the DCMI Managing Director for approval through DCMI's formal approval process. Publication as a DCMI Working draft does not imply endorsement of any kind by DCMI.


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