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Online Searching and Filing

About the Corporations Section

Alert: "Office of the Compliance Recorder" Solicitation

Alert: "Annual Minutes Requirement Statement"

Alert: State Corporate Compliance mailed solicitations entitled “Annual Corporate Minutes Compliance Filing” to numerous Texas corporations.

Attention: On January 1, 2010, many Texas business laws will be repealed, and entities currently governed by these laws will automatically be governed by the Texas Business Organizations Code. For more information, please see our BOC FAQs.

The Corporations Section is responsible for the receipt, filing and permanent maintenance and retention of documents that create or affect business organizations and non-profit entities, which are required by statute to be filed with the Secretary of State. The Section also provides information by telephone and email regarding those documents, and it provides plain and certified copies upon request. Although most documents are submitted by fax and mail, the Section is now filing an increasing number of electronic documents over the world wide web.

The Corporations Section files documents that create or affect business organizations and non-profit corporations under the following statutes:

Various other enabling statutes for the creation of entities

In addition, the Section accepts appointment of the Secretary of State as agent for service of process by foreign corporate fiduciaries under the Texas Probate Code.