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  OutReach Program

Overview of Outreach Services

Requesting Outreach Services

Parents, Education Service Center staff, teachers, or other school district or related agency staff may request Outreach services directly from TSBVI. A request for services does not have to go through the ARD process. TSBVI coordinates requests for on-site school consultation or training with local school districts, Education Service Centers and other agencies. The TSBVI Outreach Program is pleased to work with you to implement positive educational outcomes. Consultation typically involves working with a student’s entire team to implement effective educational practices.

Overview of Outreach Services Catalog PDF document (538 kb)

TSBVI is a statewide resource! The Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired Outreach Programs collaborate with regional Education Service Centers (ESCs) to offer support and training to families and professionals serving blind and deafblind children throughout the state. Without ever stepping on our campus (although we hope you do) you can get help from experienced and trained staff.

Keep current with Outreach Services events - complete the Outreach Programs Mailing List Application

Outreach Staff

Information and referral –

Got a question? Want to know where to get materials? Give us a call or go to the TSBVI website and/or email us! TX SenseAbilities , a quarterly newsletter developed in collaboration with DARS, is available on-line or in print (in English or Spanish).

Family Support –

TSBVI Outreach offers family support and assistance. You may contact us for information, to be connected with one or more of the family support organizations in this state and nationally, for travel assistance to attend relevant training, to join the Texas Family listserv, and/or to request Home Consultation (Request for Outreach Family Services).

Local district training –

Most VI professionals serve a variety of students. TSBVI has various models for helping provide local district training and support:

a. Consultation on a specific student

Working with Education Service Center VI and DB or O&M consultants, TSBVI helps support specific programming for an individual student. This may take the form of telephone or email assistance, exchange of videotapes, suggested readings, or a visit to your school or home. If a visit to the school is requested, there is a Outreach Services referral process in order to make our visit as effective as possible . We provide an objective voice to help implement effective practice that will meet students’ complex educational issues. TSBVI Outreach staff work with local program staff to design a targeted observation and discuss possible program improvements with the team. Following the visit, and depending on what is requested, an action plan is developed for program change. Follow-up visits can help you to implement selected action plans. See What is an on-site school consultation? for more specifics about this service model.

We continually evaluate our services to ensure that we are meeting local district needs. Once you have participated in a school consultation visit, we will ask members of the team to fill out the following On-site Consultation Satisfaction Survey

b. Local teacher training

Teacher training typically lasts two days. This training will focus on overall teaching strategies, rather than a specific student’s program. During the first day, the Outreach consultant will go with the teacher(s) of the visually impaired to meet several students, look at those student’s records, possibly meet with family and staff, and offer programming suggestions for those students. During the second day, the consultant will discuss programming topics, resources and materials as requested by the local district. The consultant will not write a student report after the training. Request for Training/In-Service.

c. Quality Programs for Students with Visual Impairments (QPVI)

QPVI is a collaborative process for districts wanting to complete a comprehensive review of district VI services and develop planning for systematic district improvement.

Workshops –

TSBVI staff can present at workshops (see sample topics) at the local and/or regional levels and provide training for VI/O&M staff, related professionals and/or for families. We can help you train your teachers of students with multiple disabilities, paraprofessionals, diagnosticians, group home staff, related therapists, and ECI staff. These workshops can be tailored to your needs and presented on a variety of topics to meet your schedule, such as on inservice days and parent meetings. Request for Training/In-Service.

TETN and Distance Education Offerings

Texas Deafblind Project

The Texas Deafblind Project is funded by a federal grant to provide information and training about deafblindness to families and the professionals that work with them. Subcontracted through the Texas Education Agency, the Deafblind Outreach team provides technical assistance that is designed to meet the unique needs of children, birth through 21 years of age, who have both a vision and hearing impairment. The Project will continue to compile the state deafblind census data for inclusion in the Federal Deaf-Blind Census and provide training in the completion of the census. Outreach services are available statewide, and provided in coordination with local schools and regional ESCs.

Statewide Training Calendar

TSBVI sponsors BART training, Texas Focus conference (in coordination with the 20 Education Service Centers), the Deafblind Symposium every other year, New Mentor Training, a Mentor Center on the TSBVI campus 3-4 times a year, an assortment of technology trainings on campus and distance education videoconferencing approximately once a month.

Professional Preparation Coordination

the TSBVI Outreach Program has provided resources about becoming a VI professional. The site includes data on the need for an increase in the supply of VI professionals as well as informative newsletters on the process for becoming certified.


The TSBVI Outreach Program coordinates a statewide mentor program for new VI professionals, both VI teachers and orientation and mobility specialists. Mentors help to provide valuable professional encouragement and assistance while new professionals take required coursework and for the first year on the job. There are training opportunities for those wishing to become mentors.

American Printing House for the Blind materials on Federal Quota account

TSBVI manages a statewide system of ordering, distributing, and repairing instructional materials purchased from APH with federal quota funds.  Specialized equipment and instructional materials may be requested by a local school district for the eligible visually impaired students it serves.  Visit APH Products.

Annual Registration of Students with Visual Impairments -

TSBVI is responsible for collecting information about all students with visual impairments, including infants, students who have disabilities in addition to visual impairment, and deafbindness. This information is used to generate Federal Quota Funds which are used to purchase materials from the American Printing House for the Blind (APH). This information is also used by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) in the area of adapted textbook distribution. Finally, this information is used by regional Education Service Centers(ESC) to plan and support services for students with visual impairments. The Annual Registration of Students with Visual Impairments is a snapshot of students taken on the first Monday in January.


Technology Loan Program

The Technology Loan Program provides technology equipment to students with visual impairments, which will enable them to realize their educational potential. The program provides transitional equipment that will enable students to receive necessary instruction. The Educational Service Centers and TSBVI will assist children, teachers, and parents with training to ensure that the student is able to benefit from the loan device(s).

Schools for the Blind Outreach Discussion Listserve

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Last revision: September 2, 2009