Texas Historical Commission

Main Street photos

The Texas Main Street Program Rehabilitations

Building rehabilitations under a solid preservation ethic cover the full range of the Main Street Four-Point Approach™ — organization, design, promotions and economic restructuring — and have widespread benefits. They are the most visible indicators that positive change is taking place in the Main Street district. The property owner has a building with greater potential and he or she has also made an investment in the Main Street district’s future. The property itself has greater value as an economic development tool and adds to the district’s ability to draw in new businesses or retain existing ones. As shopping choices and the experience becomes more gratifying, the community at large is drawn back into the downtown. Everyone benefits.

The Texas Main Street Program has a design team of five professionals that provide services to its official programs. They work hand in hand with the rest of the Texas Main Street staff to provide training, planning and economic development services to these programs.  See a presentation of some successful building rehabilitations in several Texas Main Street communities.

For information on applying for Main Street status, please contact Debra Farst.