Texas Homeland Security
Be Informed. Be Prepared. Be Involved.
Seal of the State of Texas
Be Involved...

You can help make your home, community and state safer. Be alert and aware of your surroundings and report suspicious activity to local law enforcement. Learn basic first aid skills. Or volunteer to assist your community's response efforts.

Remain vigilant and report suspicious activity

Every Texan can serve as the eyes and ears of law enforcement to help safeguard our state. Be alert and aware of your surroundings and report suspicious activity to local law enforcement. A quick, accurate description of events, vehicles and people can make all the difference in apprehending a potential criminal. Report activities or circumstances that seem unusual.

Some examples:

  • Someone showing unusual interest in utilities, government buildings, historic buildings or similar infrastructure. Pay particular attention to someone photographing, videotaping, inquiring about security, drawing diagrams or making notes about such facilities.
  • Suspicious or abandoned packages, luggage or mail in a crowded place, such as an airport, office building or shopping center.
  • A stranger loitering in your neighborhood or a vehicle cruising the streets repeatedly.
  • Someone peering into cars or the windows of a home.
  • A high volume of traffic going to and coming from a home on a daily basis.
  • Someone loitering around schools, parks or secluded areas.
  • Strange odors coming from a house or building.
  • Open or broken doors and windows at a closed business or an unoccupied residence.
  • Someone tampering with electrical, gas or sewer systems without an identifiable company vehicle and uniform.

Reporting Suspicious Behavior

If you have information regarding suspicious or criminal activity, please contact your local law enforcement agency immediately.

You also may report tips to the Texas Department of Public Safety, Special Crimes Service, Counter Terrorism Intelligence Unit, at (866) 786-5972 or by e-mail at Counter.Terrorism@txdps.state.tx.us.

In addition, tips may be reported to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Volunteer to help

Texans can help make their communities, state and nation safer and stronger by volunteering their time and skills to support crime prevention and emergency preparedness efforts.

  • Citizen Corps - coordinates volunteer activities that will make our communities safer, stronger, and better prepared to respond to any emergency situation.
  • The American Red Cross - provides first aid and CPR training and relies on volunteers to help millions of people each year.
  • Volunteers in Police Service - uses citizen volunteers to help support local police departments.
  • Neighborhood Watch - brings together local enforcement and citizens to help keep communities safer.
  • Texas State Guard - supports the mission and goals of the Texas National Guard in addition to numerous roles in community support and civil assistance.