Site Map

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Texas SAO Home

Reports & Publications

Search our audit reports and other publications by release date, agency, and GAA article.

Contact Us

Contact information for the SAO Executive Team, Management, and staff.

Report Fraud

Report Fraud, Waste, and Abuse to the Special Investigations Unit (SIU).

Legislative Audit Committee

A permanent standing joint committee of the State Legislature, to which the State Auditor is responsible.

About the SAO

The SAO's primary strategies, support strategies, and mission.

Audit Services

Overview of Audit and Assurance Services, Standards, Risk Assessment, Types of Audit Projects, and the Annual Audit Plan.


The State Classification Office was created to oversee the State compensation system, including maintaining the Classification Plan and making recommendations on employee salary issues.

Professional Development

Register for courses!

Resources & Tools

Internal Audit Resources, Manuals and Guides, Audit Tools, Performance Measures, and more.


Apply online for SAO jobs!

Online Services & Surveys

Web-based applications handling surveys, requests, and reporting to the SAO.

Site Information