NASA: National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationEarth Observatory


  1. Science for a Hungry World Podcasts

    NASA satellite remote sensing data provide the world with essential information that enables government organizations to feed the hungry, policymakers to make informed decisions, and aid organizations to provide relief.

  2. Perspectives: Why EOS Matters, 10 years later

    Nearly a decade ago, ecologist Steve Running described how NASA’s Earth Observing System missions were going to help us answer this crucial question: Is the current human occupancy and activity of planet Earth sustainable? In 2009, he revisited the question, making the case that Earth-observing satellites are more important than ever as humanity begins to deal with a changing climate.

  3. Catalog of Earth Satellite Orbits

    Different orbits give satellites different vantage points for viewing Earth. This fact sheet describes the common Earth satellite orbits and some of the challenges of maintaining them.

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