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Friday, May 8, 2009
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  • Why the pace of layoffs has slowed

    A job seeker looks at job listings

    Last month's unemployment numbers are out, and they're not as bad as some experts expected. But half a million layoffs is still a whole lot of people. John Dimsdale reports on why the pace of layoffs has slowed. More»

Podcast, get your podcast here

On Marketplace After the Bell, I look back on the week in business and economy and try to make sense of it. Sometimes, trying to make sense of it is like trying to do a Rubik’s Cube with one hand. But by golly, I did it. My theme this week is poker, baby, poker. In the high-stakes game of the economy, this week was definitely the flop. You can get the podcast here. Thanks to producer Phyllis Owens, associate producer Fiona Ng and engineer Stephen Colon. Have a great weekend.

Ships going nowhere

This falls into the picture-says-a-thousand-words category. The International Economy magazine features a Google Earth photo that makes the coastline of one of the world’s busiest ports look like a parking lot. It’s not a good sign for world trade.

Continue reading Ships going nowhere

Chrysler creditors call it quits

The Chrysler lenders who were putting up such a fight over the bankruptcy and Fiat deal have decided to throw in the towel. The creditors withdrew their protest today after a couple of the big players in the group abandoned the fight because the “financial and political costs were too high.”

Continue reading Chrysler creditors call it quits

The banks move fast

A couple of the stress test banks that need to raise capital have already done so. Wells Fargo sold $7.5 billion in stock. Morgan Stanley raised the same amount selling stocks and bonds. What’s really interesting here is that all the banks think the government is way underestimating the banks’ future profits.

Continue reading The banks move fast

Companies looking like boobs

Two PR blunders worth mentioning, and they both involve breasts. KFC has reneged on a coupon for a free grilled chicken meal because hordes of people were beating down KFC’s doors to cash it. Marks and Spencer is reversing its new bra pricing policy because hordes of big-breasted women were threatening to storm the British retailer.

Continue reading Companies looking like boobs

Morning Reading

Good news, bad news on the job front this morning. The economy lost 539,000 jobs last month . That’s the lowest monthly total since October. But the unemployment rate shot up to 8.9%, which is the highest rate since September 1983. The reason? Job numbers for February and March were revised upward. Other things to read:

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After the Bell

Scott Jagow makes sense of the week in business and the economy. Subscribe now.

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Capital structure

In stories about the auto companies and the banks, we've been hearing about debt-to-equity swaps and exchanging preferred shares for common stock. To understand how those work, you need to understand a company's capital structure. Senior Editor Paddy Hirsch explains. Watch the video.

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Chris Farrell

Q: Take on graduate student loans

My son graduated in December in one of the worst economic times... His goal was always to go onto graduate school... The bottom line: $91,000 for a 4 year doctorate program... When do you decide to take on this much debt?... Leslee, Boulder, CO Read Chris Farrell's answer »

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