
President Obama is asking Congress to find a way to extend coverage to every American.

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Poll: Public Says Voice Not Heard In Health Debate()  

A citizen asks a U.S. Rep. a question at a health care town hall.

A new poll by NPR, the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Harvard school of Public Health says while lawmakers bicker and deal, the public feels largely shut out. Despite public support, the Senate Finance Committee voted down the public option Tuesday.


On Morning Edition


Top U.S. Envoy Ousted From U.N. Post In Afghanistan()  

Two U.N. officials say Peter Galbraith was being recalled from his job as deputy special representative for Afghanistan by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon after he disagreed with superiors over how to deal with widespread fraud charges from the presidential election. Galbraith denied he had been fired.



Economy Dips At 0.7 Percent Pace In 2nd Quarter()  

The recession faded in the spring with economic activity shrinking at a pace of just 0.7 percent, a better-than-expected showing that buttressed beliefs the economy is growing now. The government previously estimated gross domestic product fell at a 1 percent pace.



IMF Trims Financial Firms' Estimated Losses()  

Rebounding global growth and improving market conditions have reduced financial companies' likely losses from the world crisis by $600 billion to $3.4 trillion for 2007-2010, according to the International Monetary Fund.



Senate Unveils Plan To Reduce Emissions()  

Dozens of demonstrators with the group Mobilization for Climate Justice march

California Sen. Barbara Boxer unveils a bill to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent to help slow climate change. The plan uses a cap and trade system and would rework the nation's energy economy.


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Quake, Tsunami In South Pacific Leave Dozens Dead()  


Military transports ferried disaster relief supplies into the Samoas on Wednesday, a day after the islands bore the brunt of a devastating earthquake-fueled tsunami that killed at least 119 people and left a wake of destruction across the South Pacific. President Obama has declared American Samoa a major disaster area.



Baseball Clubs Pitch Players A Menu Change-Up()  

Giants chef Joe Day in the kitchen with some of his dishes.

Baseball players have something new to chew on: In the past few years, major league teams have thrown out fatty foods. At least a third of baseball clubs are recruiting nutritionists to make game day spreads healthier. Now, players are more likely to eat baby carrots than a Baby Ruth.


On Morning Edition


U.S. Speeds Up Military Withdrawal From Iraq()  

Army Gen. Ray Odierno, the top U.S. commander in Iraq

During testimony before the House Armed Services Committee, Army Gen. Ray Odierno called for "strategic patience" during the withdrawal and the transition of responsibilities to Iraq's security forces. The U.S. is sending 4,000 more troops home next month.


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