September 30, 2009

Wednesday's Show Full Rundown >

Follow The Legislation

Obama And Big Health: Who's Co-Opting Whom?()  

In the still-evolving health care overhaul effort, are the doctors, pharmaceutical industry and insurers winning, by negotiating good deals for themselves? Or is this a success for the administration, because these groups are still in the game?




Senate Unveils Plan To Reduce Emissions()  

Dozens of demonstrators with the group Mobilization for Climate Justice march

California Sen. Barbara Boxer unveils a bill to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent to help slow climate change. The plan uses a cap and trade system and would rework the nation's energy economy.




Interactive TV Allows Viewers To Shop Remotely()  

Still from an Optimum Select commercial

A new TV advertising service will give viewers the ability to get information, coupons and free samples without leaving the couch. Optimum Select invites viewers to hit a button on their remote controls to learn more about advertised products.




Tina Brown's Must-Reads: An Attack And A Memoir()  

Afghan women voting in their country's presidential election in August

If you're looking for compelling articles online, The Daily Beast Editor-in-Chief Tina Brown is here to help. Two of her favorite online reads revolve around Islamic fundamentalism; a third is a revealing look at writer Harold Pinter.



Wild Sounds

Grunts And Gurgles Signal Love For Grouse()  

(CU) An adult male lesser prairie chicken displays on a lek.

Every spring, male grouse gather in the Great Plains and engage in a mass act of strutting, showmanship and general vocal frenzy that would put Mick Jagger to shame. For researchers, it's an opportunity to observe how these animals interact in a rapidly changing American West.



Children's Health

NTSB Puts Heat On States Without Booster Seat Laws()  

A child sleeps in a booster seat in the car.

The National Transportation Safety Board is scolding the leaders of three states for not passing tougher laws mandating child booster seats. Arizona, Florida and South Dakota are the only states that don't require older children to ride in boosters.



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Interactive TV Allows Viewers To Shop Remotely
Morning Edition, September 30, 2009

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"...imagine how much product QVC could push- if shoppers could just hit a 'purchase' button on their remotes ."


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