The Nation: Democrats Vote Down Public Option()  

Public Option

The health reform that is needed in the U.S. — a system that offers every American the care they need, flexibility in choices of doctors and hospitals and responsible controls on costs — has been rejected by the Obama administration and Democratic leaders in the House and Senate.


Foreign Policy: Bush And Obama: Panic Vs. Dither()  


Obama is finding out that things aren't going to go like he planned during the campaign. He came into office believing that his tasks were to engage or contain Iran, manage the withdrawal from Iraq and change the war in Afghanistan. What has resulted isn't leading, it's dithering.


The New Republic: Obama-lympic Worries()  


Great as Chicago may be, President Barack Obama has other things to be concerned with besides his city's 2016 Olympic bid.


The National Review: Pelosi & Co. Talk Abortion()  

Nancy Pelosi

In his September 9 remarks on health care before a joint session of Congress, President Obama said: "And one more misunderstanding I want to clear up: Under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions." Commentator Dorinda C. Bordlee disagrees.


However Great His Talent, Polanski Is Still Guilty()  

Roman Polanski

September 29, 2009 Commentator Susan Jane Gilman asks: If a great artist sexually abuses a minor, should their achievements somehow mitigate their guilt?


Net Neutrality Regulations Compromise Freedoms()  

Laptop User

September 29, 2009 "Net neutrality" or an "open Internet" refers to whether government should forbid broadband companies from prioritizing Internet traffic because it potentially limits consumers' access to the content or applications of their choice. But taking freedoms away from some takes freedoms away from all.


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