Fire Weather

Special Interest

National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC)

The NIFC houses seven federal agencies that work cooperatively to support firefighting efforts and other natural disaster relief work across the country. NIFC also operates a Website that offers current wildland fire information in addition to information on prevention and education, safety, science & technology.

UCAR's Backgrounder on Wildfires and Fire Weather

Backgrounders provide a quick feel for the science, people, and issues involved in major weather and climate topics researched at NCAR & UCAR including Wildfires and Fire Weather.

Outreach Program Reports

This Partners Project teamed researchers at the University of North Carolina Charlotte with forecasters from the NWS forecast offices in Greer and Columbia, South Carolina and the Savannah River National Laboratory to improve forecasts of fire weather for the Carolinas. The main objective was to provide forecasters with high resolution WRF model simulations of important fire weather parameters such as mixing height, ventilation wind, and Haines Index. The methodology and results are documented in their final report, "Use and verification of high resolution weather research and forecast (WRF) model output as NWP guidance for fire weather prediction."

Materials: Courses | Modules

Distance Learning Courses

  Course Title and Link
  Advanced Fire Weather Forecasters Course
description (click to show/hide)

Advanced Fire Weather Forecasters CourseDescription:
The Advanced Fire Weather Forecasters Distance Learning Course addresses advanced training needs of Incident Meteorologists (IMETs), Fire Weather Program Leaders (FWPLs) in NOAA's NWS weather forecast offices (WFOs), and Regional Program Managers. These individuals are responsible for maintaining local fire weather programs and supporting all-hazards incidents onsite including wildfires, hazardous material releases, and incidents of national significance.

Estimated time to complete: 90 min


  S-290 Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior Course
description (click to show/hide)

Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior, S-290Description:
Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior, S-290 is the second course in a five course sequence developing wildland fire behavior prediction skills and knowledge. In the Wildland Fire Qualifications System, this course is required of those planning to work as a Firefighter Type 1 or a Fire Effects Monitor on wildfires, fire use fires, and prescribed fires. It builds upon the basics in S-190, Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior, but with more detailed information about characteristics and interactions of the wildland fire environment (fuels, weather, and topography) that affect wildland fire behavior for safety purposes.

Estimated time to complete: 15 h



content level: 0=for non-scientists, 1=basic, 2=intermediate, 3=advanced
Level Module Title and Link Quiz Link
content level: 0=for non-scientists Advanced Fire Weather Forecasters Course Orientation
description (click to show/hide)
No Quiz

product thumbnailDescription:
The “Advanced Fire Weather Forecasters Course Orientation” module introduces the organization of the course, the topics presented, and the intended audience, as well as the motivation for converting this course to online training. This web module is part of the Advanced Fire Weather Forecasters Course..

At the end of this module you should be able to:
1. Describe the structure of the Advanced Fire Weather Forecasters Course and component modules.

Estimated time to complete: 15 m

Includes audio: yes

Required plug-ins:   requires Flash plug-in: yes Flash requires RealPlayer plug-in: no RealPlayer requires Java plug-in: no Java requires AdobeReader plug-in: no Adobe® Reader®
 * Plug-in information

Last published on: 2008-06-12


content level: 1=basic Assessing Fire Danger
description (click to show/hide)

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The “Assessing Fire Danger” distance learning module explores techniques for recognizing weather and fuel conditions contributing to fire danger. The module includes a matrix of data sources offering useful weather, fuels, and other information related to fire ignition, spread, and intensity. An overview of situational awareness practices provides information relevant to forecasters in the office or field. This module is part of the Advanced Fire Weather Forecasters Course.

At the end of this module you should be able to:

1. Describe the fire “setup” stage and identify weather patterns that lead to fuel dryness,
2. understand fuel dryness evolution and how it relates to the National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS),
3. describe specific fire weather and fuel data sources that aid in determining fuel susceptibility,
4. apply situational awareness concepts to fire weather forecasting operations.

Estimated time to complete: 1 h

Includes audio: no

Required plug-ins:   requires Flash plug-in: yes Flash requires RealPlayer plug-in: no RealPlayer requires Java plug-in: no Java requires AdobeReader plug-in: no Adobe® Reader®
 * Plug-in information

Last published on: 2008-03-31


content level: 3=advanced Dispersion Basics
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A webcast presentation by Dr. Timothy Spangler (Director of the COMET Program and a former air quality consultant). This 25-minute lecture provides an overview of the basics of dispersion, the effects of different atmospheric conditions on dispersion, and how dispersion is commonly modeled after an accidental release of a hazardous material.


  • Define what is meant by the terms “dispersion” and “exposure”

  • List the main factors that determine dispersion and exposure

  • Differentiate between the 5 main plume types

  • Explain the factors involved in plume rise and why plume rise is important

  • Discuss the main components involved in calculating concentration

  • Describe the differences between a Gaussian model, a Gradient Transport Model, and a Puff Model

  • List important situations in which common dispersion models may not provide good concentration estimates

Estimated time to complete: 25 min

Includes audio: yes

Required plug-ins:   requires Flash plug-in: yes Flash requires RealPlayer plug-in: no RealPlayer requires Java plug-in: no Java requires AdobeReader plug-in: no Adobe® Reader®
 * Plug-in information

Last published on: 2002-11-12


content level: 2=intermediate Fire Behavior
description (click to show/hide)

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This module provides a comprehensive overview of the three main dimensions of the fire environment triangle: fuels, topography, and weather. Five interactive case studies illustrate the interdependent influences these three dimensions have on fire behavior. A wide range of fire behavior is also discussed in terms of the environmental factors that support or suppress fire ignition and spread. As part of the Advanced Fire Weather Forecasters Course, this module is meant to introduce forecasters to science of fire behavior.

1. Identify key factors contributing to the fuels dimension of the fire environment triangle, including fuel properties, components, complexes, states, moisture levels, and continuity.
2. Identify key factors contributing to the topography dimension of the fire environment triangle, including slope, aspect, elevation, and soil moisture.
3. Identify key factors contributing to the weather dimension of the fire environment triangle, including temperature, humidity, winds, and instability.
4. Given a case situation including descriptions of fuels, topography, and weather, identify the fire behavior most likely to occur.

Estimated time to complete: 1.5 h

Includes audio: yes

Required plug-ins:   requires Flash plug-in: yes Flash requires RealPlayer plug-in: no RealPlayer requires Java plug-in: no Java requires AdobeReader plug-in: no Adobe® Reader®
 * Plug-in information

Last published on: 2008-03-19


content level: 1=basic Fire Model Matrix
description (click to show/hide)
No Quiz

product thumbnailDescription:
The Fire Model Matrix is an on-line resource that presents four fire community models in a matrix that facilitates the exploration of the characteristics of each model. As part of the Advanced Fire Weather Forecasters Course, this matrix is meant to sensitize forecasters to the use of weather data in these fire models to forecast potential fire activity.

Estimated time to complete: 45 min

Includes audio: no

Required plug-ins:   requires Flash plug-in: no Flash requires RealPlayer plug-in: no RealPlayer requires Java plug-in: no Java requires AdobeReader plug-in: no Adobe® Reader®
 * Plug-in information

Last published on: 2008-02-05


content level: 2=intermediate Fire Weather Climatology
description (click to show/hide)

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The “Fire Weather Climatology” module provides a comprehensive look at fire regions across the United States and characteristics of typical fire seasons in each region. In addition, critical fire weather patterns are described in terms of their development, duration and impact on fire weather. Numerous case studies provide examples and opportunities to practice recognizing these critical patterns and how they can affect fire ignition and spread. This module is part of the Advanced Fire Weather Forecasters Course.

At the end of this module you should be able to:

1. Identify critical fire weather patterns across North America and describe:
* Basic set-up, effects on fire weather elements, and typical duration of each pattern
* Characteristics of each pattern that contribute to fire ignition, spread and intensification.
2. Describe locations of key large-scale air-mass source regions and the air mass characteristics that impact fire weather.
3. Identify typical fire seasons for fire climatological regions of the United States and Canada and the critical fire weather patterns that affect these regions.

Estimated time to complete: 3-4 h

Includes audio: no

Required plug-ins:   requires Flash plug-in: yes Flash requires RealPlayer plug-in: no RealPlayer requires Java plug-in: no Java requires AdobeReader plug-in: no Adobe® Reader®
 * Plug-in information

Last published on: 2008-04-28


content level: 1=basic Fire Weather Forecasting: Clear Communications
description (click to show/hide)

product thumbnailDescription:
The “Fire Weather Forecasting: Clear Communications” distance learning module offers best practices for Fire Weather Forecasters needing to communicate weather information when deployed in the field. The 30-minute module defines strategies for communicating with Weather Forecast Offices and with customers. Examples include writing a useful fire weather forecast discussion and undertaking proper planning to quickly and accurately disseminate information. This distance learning module is part of the Advanced Fire Weather Forecasters Course.

At the end of this module you should be able to:
1. Identify audiences of fire weather forecasts, forecast discussions, and spot forecasts
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of IMET/WFO coordination
3. Describe best practices for writing an effective and useful fire weather forecast discussion

Estimated time to complete: 30 min

Includes audio: no

Required plug-ins:   requires Flash plug-in: yes Flash requires RealPlayer plug-in: no RealPlayer requires Java plug-in: no Java requires AdobeReader plug-in: no Adobe® Reader®
 * Plug-in information

Last published on: 2008-03-05


content level: 2=intermediate Fire Weather Grid Techniques: Relative Humidity and Dewpoint Temperature
description (click to show/hide)

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Fire Weather Grid Techniques: Relative Humidity and Dewpoint describes techniques and best practices for creating scientifically consistent grids of fire weather parameters. A case study is used to apply Smart Tools to model guidance to edit relative humidity and dew point temperature grids, and to demonstrate the advantages of editing dew point temperature rather than relative humidity to best represent the moisture in the atmosphere.

1. State how calculating 24-hour “change grids” can help forecasters generate more realistic forecast grids.

2. Explain the need to carefully check trends and values when forecasting changes to parameters used for calculating other grids.

3. Explain how examining recent observational data – either via observational grids or point observations – is essential to making realistic forecast grids.

Estimated time to complete: 30 min

Includes audio: yes

Required plug-ins:   requires Flash plug-in: yes Flash requires RealPlayer plug-in: no RealPlayer requires Java plug-in: no Java requires AdobeReader plug-in: no Adobe® Reader®
 * Plug-in information

Last published on: 2007-09-19


content level: 0=for non-scientists History of the Incident Meteorologist Program
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The “History of the Incident Meteorologist Program” describes the evolution of fire weather support by National Weather Service meteorologists, including the more recent expansion to other hazardous incidents and significant national events. This webcast also reviews the evolution of the Air-Transportable Meteorological Unit (ATMU) into today’s AMRS/FxNet system used by Incident Meteorologists today. This short webcast is part of the Advanced Fire Weather Forecasters Course.

At the end of this module you should be able to:
• Identify key events and milestones in the NWS Fire Weather and IMET program
• Describe the ATMU and its evolution into today's AMRS/FxNet system used by IMETs today
• Describe important customer issues that arose in the 1990s and steps made in recent years to resolve these issues and improve/expand IMET services

Estimated time to complete: 15 min

Includes audio: yes

Required plug-ins:   requires Flash plug-in: yes Flash requires RealPlayer plug-in: no RealPlayer requires Java plug-in: no Java requires AdobeReader plug-in: no Adobe® Reader®
 * Plug-in information

Last published on: 2008-02-29


content level: 1=basic Imaging with NPOESS VIIRS: A Convergence of Technologies and Experience
description (click to show/hide)

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This module introduces the NPOESS VIIRS imager that will fly on the NPOESS Preparatory Project and the NPOESS satellites. The VIIRS imager has many advanced features that will improve both spectral and temporal resolution. Ninety-five percent of VIIRS data will be available within 28 minutes of overpass time, providing consistent, high-quality, high-resolution data to users. This module covers the improvements to VIIRS by examining the systems that contributed to its development. Special attention is paid to the Day/Night Visible channel as VIIRS will be the first civilian satellite to image atmospheric and terrestrial features with and without moonlight.

• Name the important heritage instruments that led to the development of NPOESS
• State the advantages of multispectral imagery in fire and hot spot detection/interpretation
• Use true color imagery to identify surface, atmospheric, and ocean
surface features and characteristics
• Discriminate between nadir and edge of scan passes from AVHRR
• Describe the difference between fine and smooth OLS data
• State the advantages of the nighttime visible channel on OLS
• State features that can be seen during no-moon, half-moon, and full-moon illuminations
• Identify features in no-moon, half-moon, and full-moon illuminations

Estimated time to complete: 45 min

Includes audio: yes

Required plug-ins:   requires Flash plug-in: yes Flash requires RealPlayer plug-in: no RealPlayer requires Java plug-in: no Java requires AdobeReader plug-in: no Adobe® Reader®
 * Plug-in information

Last published on: 2004-10-25


content level: 1=basic Introduction to Fire Behavior: Influences of Topography, Fuels, and Weather on Fire Ignition and Spread
description (click to show/hide)

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This website provides an overview of factors that affect the ignition and spread of wildfire. Information is presented with 3-dimensional graphics and animations as well as audio descriptions and commentary provided by a fire behavior expert. You don't need extensive background in fire science or weather forecasting to use this site.

Estimated time to complete:

Includes audio: yes

Required plug-ins:   requires Flash plug-in: yes Flash requires RealPlayer plug-in: no RealPlayer requires Java plug-in: no Java requires AdobeReader plug-in: no Adobe® Reader®
 * Plug-in information

Last published on: 2002-08-21


content level: 2=intermediate Mesoscale Meteorology Effects on Fire Behavior
description (click to show/hide)

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The “Mesoscale Meteorology Effects on Fire Behavior” module reviews the development of thermally forced winds in complex terrain and explores how these winds combine with the effects of terrain to influence fire spread. Three-dimensional conceptual animations illustrate these effects through a 24-hr period, as members of the team working this theoretical fire describe different aspects of weather, fire behavior, and operational fire fighting decisions at specific times during this day. This module is part of the Advanced Fire Weather Forecasters Course.

At the end of this module you should be able to:

1. Describe the effects of thermally forced winds in complex terrain on fire behavior

2. Identify how suppression operations are related to fire and smoke conditions in complex terrain

Estimated time to complete: 30 min

Includes audio: yes

Required plug-ins:   requires Flash plug-in: yes Flash requires RealPlayer plug-in: no RealPlayer requires Java plug-in: no Java requires AdobeReader plug-in: no Adobe® Reader®
 * Plug-in information

Last published on: 2008-04-28


content level: 1=basic Multispectral Satellite Applications: Monitoring the Wildland Fire Cycle
description (click to show/hide)

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This module describes current and future satellite instruments and products used for monitoring the fire cycle, with an emphasis on polar-orbiting satellites. Product information is presented in the context of the fire cycle: from assessing the pre- and post-fire environment to detecting and monitoring active fires, smoke, and aerosols. Product information is also consolidated in the Fire Product Suite, available in the module and as a PDF file. The module concludes with an interactive fire case study, supplemented with observations from a National Weather Service forecaster who experienced the fire. The module is intended for a wide range of users involved with wildfire detection and monitoring, including land use managers, hydrologists, weather forecasters, and researchers.

* Demonstrate the advantages and limitations of using multi-sensor multispectral analysis for monitoring the fire cycle.
* Describe some of the remote sensing products and systems used for detecting and monitoring the wildland fire cycle. For each product, identify its capabilities, limitations, and applications.
* Identify the common thermal emission regions used to detect fires in both polar-orbiting and geostationary satellites.
* Identify the capabilities and limitations of geostationary vs. polar-orbiting satellites, shortwave vs. longwave imagery, and true vs. false color products in detecting and monitoring the fire cycle.
* Identify the essential steps in automated and semi-automated smoke forecasting.
* Identify the capabilities of the upcoming NPOESS VIIRS sensor with regard to the fire cycle.

Estimated time to complete: 1.5 – 2 h

Includes audio: yes

Required plug-ins:   requires Flash plug-in: yes Flash requires RealPlayer plug-in: no RealPlayer requires Java plug-in: no Java requires AdobeReader plug-in: no Adobe® Reader®
 * Plug-in information

Last published on: 2007-11-14


content level: 2=intermediate PBL in Complex Terrain - Part 1
description (click to show/hide)

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This is part 1 of a 2-part Webcast based on a presentation by Dr. David Whiteman on August 11, 2004 in Boulder, CO. Dr. Whiteman presents conceptual and practical information regarding winds in the planetary boundary layer in complex terrain. Part 1 topics include diurnal wind systems, mountain-plain wind systems, and slope wind systems.


  • Identify the characteristics of diurnal wind systems

  • Identify the characteristics of mountain-plain wind systems

  • Identify the characteristics of slope wind systems

Estimated time to complete: 1 h

Includes audio: yes

Required plug-ins:   requires Flash plug-in: yes Flash requires RealPlayer plug-in: no RealPlayer requires Java plug-in: no Java requires AdobeReader plug-in: no Adobe® Reader®
 * Plug-in information

Last published on: 2007-03-22


content level: 2=intermediate PBL in Complex Terrain - Part 2
description (click to show/hide)

product thumbnailDescription:
This is part 2 of a 2-part Webcast based on a presentation by Dr. David Whiteman on August 11, 2004 in Boulder, CO. Dr. Whiteman presents conceptual and practical information regarding winds in the planetary boundary layer in complex terrain. Part 2 topics include valley wind systems, cross-valley wind systems, diurnal mountain-wind systems, and plateau-basin wind systems.


  • Identify the characteristics of valley wind systems

  • Identify the characteristics of cross-valley wind systems

  • Identify the characteristics of diurnal mountain-wind systems

  • Identify the characteristics of plateau-basin wind systems

Estimated time to complete: 75 min

Includes audio: yes

Required plug-ins:   requires Flash plug-in: yes Flash requires RealPlayer plug-in: no RealPlayer requires Java plug-in: no Java requires AdobeReader plug-in: no Adobe® Reader®
 * Plug-in information

Last published on: 2007-04-06


content level: 2=intermediate Polar Satellite Products for the Operational Forecaster (POES) Module 1: POES Introduction
description (click to show/hide)

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This Web-based module is a component of the Integrated Sensor Training (IST) Professional Development Series (PDS) Professional Competency Unit #6-Satellite Data and Products. Dr. Stan Kidder of the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA) at Colorado State University is the principal science advisor for this module with significant assistance from Dr. Gary Hufford (NWS Alaska Region). The module provides an overview of current polar satellite products and their applications in forecasting situations and also contains a summary of instruments currently in use and a short history of the U.S. polar satellite program. The module is the first in a series focusing on polar satellite products and applications.

• Describe polar satellite orbits
• List channels available from AVHRR on NOAA polar-orbiting satellites
• Describe multispectral imagery products for fog/stratus detection, volcanic ash detection, fire detection, and precipitation products

Estimated time to complete:

Includes audio: no

Required plug-ins:   requires Flash plug-in: no Flash requires RealPlayer plug-in: no RealPlayer requires Java plug-in: no Java requires AdobeReader plug-in: no Adobe® Reader®
 * Plug-in information

Last published on: 1999-03-25


content level: 1=basic S-290 Unit 1: The Fire Environment
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S-290 Unit 1: The Fire Environment examines the components of the fire environment triangle and how each affects fire behavior. As part of this topic, heat transfer mechanisms and firebrand transport and the contribution to fire behavior are included. Basic fire terminology is introduced and will be used throughout the course. Later units in the S-290 course will build upon material introduced in this module.

Upon completion of this unit, you should be able to:
1. Describe the three components of the wildland fire environment.
2. List and give examples of the three methods of heat transfer.
3. List three methods of mass transport of firebrands on wildland fire.
4. Explain the relationship between flame height/length and its relationship to the fireline intensity.
5. Describe primary environmental factors affecting ignition, fire intensity, and rate of spread of wildland fires.
6. Discuss the relationship of wildland fires of different intensities to their environments.
7. Describe the behavior of wildland fires using standard fire behavior terminology.

Estimated time to complete: .25 - .50 h

Includes audio: yes

Required plug-ins:   requires Flash plug-in: yes Flash requires RealPlayer plug-in: no RealPlayer requires Java plug-in: no Java requires AdobeReader plug-in: no Adobe® Reader®
 * Plug-in information

Last published on: 2009-06-23


content level: 0=for non-scientists S-290 Unit 2: Topographic Influences on Wildland Fire Behavior
description (click to show/hide)

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S-290 Unit 2: Topographic Influences on Wildland Fire Behavior provides
an overview of how topography affects fuels and the
direction and spread of wildland fires. Information on features of
topographic maps and estimating slope is also presented. This module is
part of the S-290 Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior Course.

Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to:
1. Identify standard features on a topographic map.
2. Describe how topography affects fuels and their availability for combustion.
3. Describe how topography can affect the direction and rate of spread of wildfires.
4. Describe how changes in fuels and topography can provide full and partial barriers to the spread of wildland fires.
5. Describe how slope percent can be determined or estimated in the field and understand its effects on fire behavior.

Estimated time to complete: .50 - .75 h

Includes audio: yes

Required plug-ins:   requires Flash plug-in: yes Flash requires RealPlayer plug-in: no RealPlayer requires Java plug-in: no Java requires AdobeReader plug-in: yes Adobe® Reader®
 * Plug-in information

Last published on: 2009-06-24


content level: 0=for non-scientists S-290 Unit 4: Basic Weather Processes
description (click to show/hide)

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The “S-290 Unit 4: Basic Weather Processes” distance learning module summarizes atmospheric structure and composition, the Sun-Earth radiation budget, weather elements used to describe the atmosphere, the greenhouse effect, and temperature lags observed both daily and seasonally. The content introduces the concepts of pressure, atmospheric heating, and temperature and provides a basis for understanding weather topics that are explored in more detail in other modules of the Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior Course (

1) Describe the structure and composition of the atmosphere
2) Define weather and list its elements
3) Describe the Sun-Earth radiation budget and Earth’s heat balance
4) Describe factors affecting the temperature of Earth’s surface and lower atmosphere
5) Describe the greenhouse effect and its influence on air temperature
6) Describe temperature lag and how daily and seasonal temperature lags affect wildland fire behavior.

Estimated time to complete: 45 min

Includes audio: yes

Required plug-ins:   requires Flash plug-in: yes Flash requires RealPlayer plug-in: no RealPlayer requires Java plug-in: no Java requires AdobeReader plug-in: no Adobe® Reader®
 * Plug-in information

Last published on: 2008-10-27


content level: 0=for non-scientists S-290 Unit 5: Temperature and Relative Humidity Relationships
description (click to show/hide)

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“S-290 Unit 5: Temperature and Relative Humidity Relationships” module focuses on methods of describing humidity in the atmosphere and how temperature changes can affect relative humidity. Topics from this module will be further related to effects on potential fire behavior in other modules of the Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior Course.

1. Describe the relationship between dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature, dewpoint temperature, and relative humidity.
2. Describe typical day and night (diurnal) variations in air temperature and relative humidity.
3. Determine relative humidity, dewpoint, and wet bulb temperatures using a psychrometric table.
4. Describe the effects of topography, vegetation, clouds, and wind on air temperature and relative humidity.
5. Describe the temperature and relative humidity characteristics of continental and maritime air masses.

Estimated time to complete: .75 h

Includes audio: yes

Required plug-ins:   requires Flash plug-in: yes Flash requires RealPlayer plug-in: no RealPlayer requires Java plug-in: no Java requires AdobeReader plug-in: no Adobe® Reader®
 * Plug-in information

Last published on: 2008-11-21


content level: 0=for non-scientists S-290 Unit 8: Keeping Current with the Weather
description (click to show/hide)

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The "S-290 Unit 8: Keeping Current with the Weather" distance learning module describes fire weather information and products available from Predictive Services and the National Weather Service. Summaries of the products, including significant fire potential, monthly and seasonal outlooks, fire weather planning forecasts, and spot forecasts, are presented. The unit also outlines the types of support available from Fire Behavior Analysts and Incident Meteorologists assigned to a fire and provides guidance for receiving updated weather information using the Internet.

1. Identify the types, purpose, and elements of Predictive Service products
2. Identify the types, purpose, and elements of National Weather Service products
3. Identify ways in which firefighters can receive fire weather products and weather observations
4. Describe the importance of Incident Meteorologists (IMETs) and Fire Behavior Analysts (FBANs) on wildland fires

Estimated time to complete: .5 - .75 h

Includes audio: yes

Required plug-ins:   requires Flash plug-in: yes Flash requires RealPlayer plug-in: no RealPlayer requires Java plug-in: no Java requires AdobeReader plug-in: yes Adobe® Reader®
 * Plug-in information

Last published on: 2009-01-30


content level: 0=for non-scientists S-290 Unit 9: Observing the Weather
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This webcast covers procedures for taking accurate weather observations using belt weather kits and descriptions of other common weather observing equipment used in fire weather. In addition, maintenance of the primary components of the belt weather kit are demonstrated.

Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to:
1. Describe when, how often, and where to take weather observations on wildland fires.
2. Describe the importance of having field observers or other fire personnel assigned as lookouts for potentially hazardous weather and wildland fire behavior conditions.
3. Demonstrate the correct use and maintenance of the belt weather kit in the field.

Estimated time to complete: .75-1.00 h

Includes audio: yes

Required plug-ins:   requires Flash plug-in: yes Flash requires RealPlayer plug-in: no RealPlayer requires Java plug-in: no Java requires AdobeReader plug-in: no Adobe® Reader®
 * Plug-in information

Last published on: 2009-04-22


content level: 2=intermediate Satellite Meteorology: GOES Channel Selection
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This Web module was adapted from the CD-ROM module Satellite Meteorology: Using the New GOES Imager, and uses Macromedia® Flash to deliver audio over the Web.

The 60-minute presentation provides a review of the five GOES imager channels and their use, along with operational examples. The module also includes updated information on the 6.7 micrometer (water vapor) channel and the new 13.3 micrometer channel that will appear on the GOES N-P satellites.

• Identify sun glint in visible imagery
• State the advantages of adjusting enhancement tables in visible imagery for cloud feature identification
• Describe emissivity differences of cirrus and stratus clouds in the short-wave infrared channel (3.9 micron) and the infrared window channel (11 micron)
• Describe differences in how thick and thin cirrus clouds appear in the short-wave infrared channel (3.9 micron) and the infrared window channel (11 micron)
• Describe differences in how water and ice clouds appear in the short-wave infrared channel (3.9 micron) and the infrared window channel (11 micron)
• Describe how the fog/stratus product in derived
• State ways to distinguish low-level fog and stratus from higher water clouds
• Explain how the subpixel effect highlights fires and hot spots short-wave infrared channel (3.9 micron) imagery
• Explain the differences in appearance between ice clouds, stratus, and snow on the ground in short-wave infrared (3.9 micron), visible, and infrared window (11 micron) channel imagery
• Explain how the reflected component of the short-wave infrared channel (3.9 micron) channel affects imagery from this channel
• Explain how the reflected product is derived
• Describe advantages of using the reflected product in feature identification
• State the part of the atmosphere sensed by the water vapor (6.7 micron) channel
• Explain how storm relative loops are created
• State the improvements to the water vapor (6.7 micron) channel on the GOES N/O/P satellites
• List products derived using the split-window channel
• List the products derived from the carbon dioxide channel

Estimated time to complete: 1 h

Includes audio: yes

Required plug-ins:   requires Flash plug-in: yes Flash requires RealPlayer plug-in: no RealPlayer requires Java plug-in: no Java requires AdobeReader plug-in: no Adobe® Reader®
 * Plug-in information

Last published on: 2002-10-02


content level: 2=intermediate Stability, Smoke Management, and Fire Weather Forecasting
description (click to show/hide)

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The “Stability, Smoke Management, and Fire Weather Forecasting” module examines the effects of atmospheric stability on fire behavior and the transport of smoke, as well as fire and smoke management operations. Topics covered include the impacts of the formation, persistence, and dissipation of inversions and how best to relate forecast information on these phases to customers. Calculation and application of the Haines Index is applied through the highly interactive Haines Game. In addition, the influence of stability on the transport and dispersion of fire related smoke is covered in the context of smoke management programs and the critical information provided by fire weather forecasters. This web module is part of the Advanced Fire Weather Forecasters Course.

At the end of this module you should be able to:

1. Describe various atmospheric stability profiles in terms of their potential influences on fire behavior
a. Characterize influences of stability on fire behavior
b. Describe impacts of inversion formation, persistence, weakening, and dissipation on fire behavior
c. Describe, interpret, and apply the Haines Index
d. Identify impacts of inversions on fire management operations

2. Demonstrate an understanding of the smoke management process and the forecaster's role in that process
a. Correctly identify statements describing the purposes for, and importance of smoke management
b. Identify consequences of accurate/inaccurate smoke management-related forecasts
c. Identify the factors that influence smoke-management decision-making
d. Calculate and interpret ventilation index values in support of smoke management operations

Estimated time to complete: 90 min

Includes audio: yes

Required plug-ins:   requires Flash plug-in: yes Flash requires RealPlayer plug-in: no RealPlayer requires Java plug-in: no Java requires AdobeReader plug-in: no Adobe® Reader®
 * Plug-in information

Last published on: 2008-03-28


content level: 1=basic The Structure of the NWS Fire Weather Program
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product thumbnailDescription:
The Structure of the NWS Fire Weather Program explores the joint agreement between NOAA’s NWS and land management agencies to develop an appreciation of the contribution each agency makes in providing the best possible fire weather services. As part of the Advanced Fire Weather Forecasters Course, this module focuses on the NWS Fire Weather Program itself to set the stage for other course modules.

At the end of this module you should be able to:

* Describe the components and responsibilities in the NWS Fire Weather Program, including the objectives of fire weather services provided by the NWS in support of fire weather customers.
* Identify and use the three primary policy and guidance documents defining fire weather services to answer questions about the NWS Fire Weather Program.
* Define the terms "Red Flag Warning" and "Fire Weather Watch" and determine the appropriate actions to take given a fire weather scenario.
* Explain the actions customers take in response to an issuance of Fire Weather Watches and Red Flag Warnings.

Estimated time to complete: 90 min

Includes audio: yes

Required plug-ins:   requires Flash plug-in: yes Flash requires RealPlayer plug-in: no RealPlayer requires Java plug-in: no Java requires AdobeReader plug-in: no Adobe® Reader®
 * Plug-in information

Last published on: 2007-11-22


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