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NetCDF Java Library

The NetCDF-Java Library is a Java interface to NetCDF files, as well as to many other types of scientific data formats. 

The library is freely available and the source code is released under the (MIT-style) netCDF C library license. Previous versions use the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).

The preferred place to ask questions, discuss problems and features and get support is in the NetCDF-Java email list, which you can subscribe to from this page. Also you might want to search or browse previous netCDF-Java support questions.


The NetCDF-Java library implements a Common Data Model (CDM), a generalization of the NetCDF, OpenDAP and HDF5 data models. The library is a prototype for the NetCDF-4 project, which provides a C language API for the "data access layer" of the CDM, on top of the HDF5 file format. The NetCDF-Java library is a 100% Java framework for reading netCDF and other file formats into the CDM, as well as writing to the netCDF-3 file format. The NetCDF-Java library also implements NcML, which allows you to add metadata to CDM datasets, as well as to create virtual datasets through aggregation.

Which jar files do I need? See Jar Dependencies for explanation of which library you want.

Which version of Java? All active versions (2.2.22 and 4.0) require Java 5 or above. Performance and stability is improved in version 6, and so the latest version of Java 6 is recommended. NetCDF-Java version 4.1 will likely require Java 1.6. If you are stuck with Java 1.4, you can use the NetCDF-Java 2.2.20 release, but no support or bug fixes are done on that version.

Current stable version 4.0 (requires Java 1.5)

See Jar Dependencies for explanation of which library you want:

Development version 4.1 (requires Java 1.6)

Previous stable version 2.2 (requires Java 1.5+). Bug fixes only, no new development.

Version 2.2.20 for Java 1.4.2+

File format types

The NetCDF-Java library can read these file types and remote access protocols.

Caveats and not-so-stable APIs:

Related Documents:

WebEx demo

You may need to first download the free WebEx Player.

Coordinate Systems

Working notes and documentation on the coordinate system layer of the CDM

Feature Types

Working notes and documents on the scientific feature type layer of the CDM

Software libraries used by the Netcdf-Java library:

Applications using the Netcdf-Java library (partial list):

Miscellaneous Resources

This document is maintained by John Caron and was last updated on August 26, 2009
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